2012年11月27日 星期二


談案例:In re Warmerdam, 33 F.3d 1354, 1361-62 (Fed. Cir. 1994)


Claims define non-statutory processes if they:
•    Consist solely of mathematical operations without some claimed practical application;
•    Simply manipulate abstract ideas without some claimed practical application e.g. the court held that a method of conducting a real estate bidding process was a mere manipulation of an abstract idea In re Schrader, 22 F.3d 290, 293-94, 30 USPQ2d 1455, 1458-59 (Fed. Cir. 1994). The Court also held that a method for controlling the motion of objects and machines is simply a manipulation of abstract ideas; and the steps of "locating" a medial axis and "creating" a bubble hierarchy describes nothing more than the manipulation of basic mathematical constructs. In re Warmerdam, 33 F.3d 1354, 1361-62, 31 USPQ2d 1754, 1760 (Fed. Cir.).

在不少電腦軟體相關的案例中引用1994年Warmerdam在聯邦巡迴上訴法院的判決(In re Warmerdam, 33 F.3d 1354, 1361-62 (Fed. Cir. 1994)),此案例同樣出現在MPEP2106.01所揭示電腦相關非法定可專利的標的(computer-related nonstatutory subject matter)。

Warmerdam案例涉及在電腦記憶體內儲存具有特定資料結構(data structure)是否為可專利標的:其中,如果儲存於記憶體內的電腦程式為一種法定由程序描述的產品(product-by-process),則為可專利標的;反之,如果僅反映一種概念,則非可專利的程序。(claim to computer having a specific data structure stored in memory held statutory product-by-process claim but claim to a data structure that referred to ideas reflected in nonstatutory process rather than referring to a physical arrangement of the contents of a memory held nonstatutory)

Warmerdam案例簡述:涉及的專利為:07/430,749,在此案審查階段,曾對1993年BPAI作出的決定(Appeal No. 92-3680)提出上訴,因為BPAI作出如專利局認為該案不符101、112的規定。

在所載的技術中,會判斷物件邊緣的形狀、位置,進而能夠迴避,而前案則是透過假設物件較大與一般如圓形的形狀,並假設出各種可能碰撞的動作,因此749案則是改善此前案,利用一種氣泡系統(bubble system)的先前技術,判斷碰撞的可能後,將如前案假設的形狀改為多個較小尺寸的區域(氣泡)。
是有點難懂,技術如此案最後獲准的範圍Claim 1,利用資料結構以位置與氣泡階層的方式表示具體物件的形狀,步驟包括訂出物件的中軸位置與建立中軸上的氣泡階層。



1. A method for generating a data structure which represents the shape of [sic] physical object in a position and/or motion control machine as a hierarchy of bubbles, comprising the steps of:

first locating the medial axis of the object and

then creating a hierarchy of bubbles on the medial axis.

101 Rejections在智慧局審查階段,審查委員認為其中專利範圍不符美國專利法第101條,甚至到訴願委員會(BPAI)都認為權利範圍僅涉及抽象概念與數學演算法等的資料結構。
其中,Warmerdam認為權利範圍已經隱含(imply)計算物件邊界的具體方案,並引用In re Grams, 888 F.2d 835, 12 USPQ2d 1824 (Fed.Cir.1989)判決認為此類具有實體意義的技術應具有可專利性;並且認為即便權利範圍表達為以數學型式表達,如果非僅概念的操作,且其中程序描述不同於前案,而為法定可專利的標的時,仍不能排除可專利的可能。


CONCLUSIONCAFC確認部份範圍為不可專利的標的,如Claims 1-4, 6,而Claim 5可被專利!
The decision of the Board, sustaining the rejection of claims 1-4, and 6 for lack of statutory subject matter, is affirmed, and the decision of the Board, sustaining the rejection of claim 5 for indefiniteness, is reversed.

但此案最後仍經過修正獲准專利,與上述原範圍比對,可以看出法院可核准範圍已經補入"having a memory"
1. A machine having a memory which contains a data structure which represents the shape of a physical object in a position and/or motion control machine as a hierarchy of bubbles generated by a method comprising the steps of:
first locating the medial axis of the object and
then creating a hierarchy of bubbles on the medial axis.
