2014年3月12日 星期三


地方法院案例Every Penny Counts v. Wells Fargo Bank, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 28106 (M.D. Fl. 2014)

隨著上篇Apple對疑似侵權專利案中有不明確的主張的失敗,這篇案例則是討論到申請專利範圍內用語缺乏明確性(definiteness)卻不代表司法不明確(not Legally Indefinite)。

被告在此案例進入侵權實審之前提出了對專利範圍不明確的簡易判決請求(pre-trial summary judgment motion),不過美國地院駁回不明確的主張,即便看來真的有點不明確的可能。

系爭專利US8,025,217顯然是一種商業方法,關於一種從消費者交易金額中創造並分發多餘資金的方法。這有點像是消費後「順便捐款」的機制,如果你曾經在yahoo, pchome等網路商場消費,這多數是採用信用卡支付,比較沒有「餘額」的概念,但是在完成交易時,還會順便問你要不要將發票(電子發明)捐給某慈善團體,這就像是此專利所要講的技術。



系統介紹包括有4個階層(level),每個階層分別處理整個支付系統的某一個環節。Level 1為用戶、Level 2為店家、Level 3為第三方交換中心(neutral network clearinghouse)、Level 4為最後受捐贈單位銀行帳戶。


1. A system for accumulating credits from a customer account belonging to the customer and managed by an institution and placing the credits into a provider account, comprising:
an information processor; said information processor including a data store with data identifying the customer, the rounding determinant, the managed institution, and the account (這個account是指哪一個?是否要加"s");
said data store including machine readable instructions authorizing the processor to access and read the customer account;
said data store including machine readable instructions to calculate rounders after receiving a plurality of payment transactions from the read customer account and to calculate an excess based on the rounders;
said data store including machine readable instructions to withdraw the excess from the customer account;
said data store including machine readable instructions to transfer the withdrawn excess to the provider account.

2. A system as in claim 1, wherein said information processor includes a communicator coupled to a communication network connected to the customer, the institution, and the account (這個account是指哪一個?是否要加"s").
3. A system as in claim 1, wherein said data store includes data from a plurality of customers, a plurality of institutions, and a plurality of accounts.
4. A system as in claim 1, wherein said information processor is a service organization for handling data from a number of customers, institutions, and accounts.

根據上述對此發明的描述來看,專利範圍界定出兩種帳戶,明顯為用戶帳戶(level 1)與最後受捐贈單位的帳戶(level 4),但是被告Wells Fargo仍提出質疑,因為說明書確實提到四種帳戶,這個專利範圍並未清楚表示這些帳戶的關聯,因此認為不明確。不過,如果仔細瞭解專利本身,我覺得還好,可以瞭解,應該差就在這種常見的商業模式是否可以准予專利而已!




1. 如果專利簡單概要,不用過多自己定義的名詞,比如此案的"account"一般都可瞭解
2. 如果專利真的有其發明高度,或許不用長篇大論來論述,但是還是建議講清楚
3. 請求項的範圍由法院/法官認定
4. 商業方法小心揭示,盡量圍繞在硬體設備上的描述方式
5. 此案清楚分別四種階層的架構也是不容讓人質疑不明確的地方
6. 即便有點錯誤,但是專利權還算站得穩

感謝長官分享,資料直接參考Google Patent以及Patently-O
