2008年8月22日 星期五

About claims IX - 美國專利法第112條第6段

An element in a claim for a combination may be expressed as a means or step for performing a specified function without the recital of structure, material, or acts in support thereof, and such claim shall be construed to cover the corresponding structure, material, or acts described in the specification and equivalents thereof

我遇到的實務狀況是,不見得所有的元件都可寫為這種step for或是means for的形式,在台灣專利法施行細則第18條最後一項中有段話:


舉例來說,一個影像解析度調整的步驟,就可能是由好幾個步驟共同完成,但此又可能只是個習知技術,並非特定發明的主要特徵,應就可以"step for adjusting an image's resolution"統包這個步驟,並非一定要寫解取影像、分析、影像運算等處理步驟!

再如美國專利第4177511號中的Claim 1:

1. An apparatus for establishing communication paths between a plurality of peripheral devices and a serial-bit data processor, said processor including means for providing external interface control signals and serial peripheral designation information, each of said plurality of peripheral devices being enabled for communications with said processor responsive to said external interface control signals, comprising:

means for transforming said serial designation information from said processor to parallel information;
means connected to said transforming means for decoding said transformed designation information;
means connected to said plurality of peripheral devices and to said means for providing said external interface control signals and responsive to said decoding means for selectively gating said control signals to said plurality of peripheral devices in accordance with said decoded designation information, said means for selectively gating including;
a first matrix connected between said means for providing external interface signals and said plurality of peripheral devices and responsive to said decoding means for providing a given one of said external interface control signals to said one of said plurality of peripheral devices specified by said decoded designation information,
a second matrix connected between said means for providing external interface signals and said plurality of peripheral devices and responsive to said decoding means for providing a second given one of said external interface control signals to said one of said plurality of peripheral devices specified by said decoded designation information, and
a third matrix connected between said means for providing external interface signals and said plurality of peripheral devices and responsive to said decoding means for providing a third given one of said external interface control signals to said one of said plurality of peripheral devices specified by said decoded designation information, said communications path being enabled only when said one of said plurality of peripheral devices specified by said decoded designation information has received said given one, said second given one and said third given one of said external interface control signals; and
means responsive to said selectively gated control signals for enabling a communications path between said processor and one of said plurality of peripheral devices specified by said decoded designation information.
其中means for transforming ...在說明書中的內容是:
The address may be transformed to parallel-bit information and then decoded to instruct a plurality of pulse selection matrices in the distribution of operation timing pulses to the specified peripheral device.


