2008年9月28日 星期日

Final Office Action - M.P.E.P. 706.07 (b)

THIS ACTION IS MADE FINAL even though it is a first action in this case

706.07(b) Final Rejection, When Proper on First Action
有時, 第一次Office Action也可能就是最終審查- Final Office Action

當然, 這是不尋常的, 只會發生在特定情況下:
新申請案是一個較早申請案的接續案(CA), 或是替換案(Substitute), 而其中全部的申請專利範圍被視為與較早申請案是一樣的發明, 有一樣的申請專利範圍, 則直接發出Final Office Action

(A) the new application is a continuing application of, or a substitute for, an earlier application, and
(B) all claims of the new application
(1) are drawn to the same invention claimed in the earlier application, and
(2) would have been properly finally rejected on the grounds and art of record in the next Office action if they had been entered in the earlier application.

但是, 若前申請案因為在答辯時因為產生新事證(new issue)或新事物(new matter)導致最終核駁或是結束爭議程序, 那些產生new issue或是new matter的內容存在後申請案, 後申請案提出後就不適合第一次就發出Final Office Action

However, it would not be proper to make final a first Office action in a continuing or substitute application where that application contains material which was presented in the earlier application after final rejection or closing of prosecution but was denied entry because (A) new issues were raised that required further consideration and/or search, or (B) the issue of new matter was raised.

  1. 接續案, 如部份接續案(CIP), 相較於其前申請案, 由於其中有new matter, 不適合第一次就發出Final Office Action
  2. 若在CA或是替換案的第一次OA前請求面詢, 通常會同意
  3. 同樣在此類的Final OA之後, 仍可接獲Advisory Action
  4. 審查委員可以在申請案在未決(pending)狀態下撤回Final OA, 一但被拋棄後就不行撤回
  5. 一但申請案或是再審(reexamination)程序中, 申請人無法請求撤回Final OA, 除非審查委員在修正, 答辯中找到可以核准的部份, 審查委員可以撤回Final OA

