2008年9月2日 星期二

Request for Continued Examination (RCE)

Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
當專利申請案遭遇最終核駁時,會有幾種狀況:(1)沒有克服前次核駁理由,全部Claims皆被核駁;(2)沒有完全克服前次核駁理由,部分可核准;(3)因為前次答辯內容產生新的事證(new issue),審查委員判斷需要重啟檢索/審查等。

此時申請人可以能應用幾種接續的救濟程序,其中最常用的應該就是請求接續審查(Request for Continued Examination),並提出新的答辯意見或修正,希望能透過新的審查程序克服核駁理由。

如此圖所示,程序進入Final Office Action之後,申請人可提出RCE,讓申請案繼續審理,並又收到non-Final rejection

以下就是提出RCE時的申請文件所擷取的畫面,說明依照37 CFR 1.114規定提出

但是不久後,會收到審查委員的回應,同樣仍會是下一次的First Office Action,並於開卷第一段說明收到在Final rejection後的RCE請求

§1.114 Request for continued examination.
(a) If prosecution in an application is closed (包括收到核准通知、訴願中、與收到final OA等), an applicant may request continued examination of the application by filing a submission and the fee set forth in § 1.17(e) prior to the earliest of:
(1) Payment of the issue fee, unless a petition under § 1.313 is granted; (issue fee付出前可提出RCE)
(2) Abandonment of the application; or (申請案拋棄前)
(3) The filing of a notice of appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit under 35 U.S.C. 141, or the commencement of a civil action under 35 U.S.C. 145 or 146, unless the appeal or civil action is terminated. (對法院提出訴願通知前,或民事訴訟開始前)


