2009年1月13日 星期二

37 CFR 1.121(c) - Claims的修正(補充版)

之前已經整理過,剛好有人問到Identifier的問題,就再整理一下,主要內容是來自37 CFR 1.121(c)的內容

在美國專利實務的權利要求項修正中,37 CFR 1.121(c)有很明確的規範,因此,美國OA答辯的內容都有一定的格式,而且清楚好讀,尤其是針對各權利範圍狀態的識別符(identifier),更是好用,identifier有七種,包括:
  1. 表示權利範圍不變的(Original)
  2. 目前修正權利範圍的(Currently amended)
  3. 刪除權利範圍的(Canceled)
  4. 之前已經變動過的權利範圍(Previously presented)(包括之前修正、新增的範圍)
  5. 目前新增(New)
  6. 無進入審查(Not entered,當申請人在終駁後新增範圍並不被接受時,申請人於往後的修正使用Not Entered)
  7. 暫時撤回可用(Withdrawn,如經過限制選擇後,未被選擇的範圍可以此表示)
  8. 撤回的項目經過修正,亦可用(Withdrawn-currently amended)

文中規定,如果在答辯過程中要修正權利範圍,除了要刪除的範圍以外,其餘範圍內容應該要全部寫上,曾經有過的範圍項次應該保留,即使是刪除的項目,修正個範圍將取代之前的範圍,每個範圍都應使用識別符標上目前狀態,包括上述的Original, Currently Amended, Canceled, Withdrawn, Previously Presented, New, Not Entered等。

Claims. Amendments to a claim must be made by rewriting the entire claim with all changes (e.g., additions and deletions) as indicated in this subsection, except when the claim is being canceled. Each amendment document that includes a change to an existing claim, cancellation of an existing claim or addition of a new claim, must include a complete listing of all claims ever presented, including the text of all pending and withdrawn claims, in the application. The claim listing, including the text of the claims, in the amendment document will serve to replace all prior versions of the claims, in the application. In the claim listing, the status of every claim must be indicated after its claim number by using one of the following identifiers in a parenthetical expression: (Original), (Currently amended), (Canceled), (Withdrawn), (Previously presented), (New), and (Not entered).


  1. 權利範圍,並保留原來申請時的標號,若有連續的項次被刪除或是未被審查,可標為Claims 1-5 (Canceled)或是Claims 1-5 (Not Entered),權利範圍的修正應與其他部份分開,而以獨立的文件撰寫,應與之前的說明書內容修正與之後的答辯內容分開
  2. 權利範圍的修正應與送件時,或是之前修正過的版本一致,新增的文字內容以「下底線(underlining)」標示,刪除的文字部份應以「刪除線(strike-through)」標示,若有要刪除字元或是較短的字,避免用刪除線時不清楚,應以雙中括號[[...]]標示
  3. 標示這四種識別符「original」,「withdrawn」,「previously presented」,「new」的範圍則是沒有任何標記的「乾淨版」的權利範圍內容


