2009年5月21日 星期四

About Claims XIX - whereby


Whereby, thereby通常會被拿來用在權利範圍中元件描述之後,「藉此」達到的功能或是結果,這可能是在描述技術特徵之後,「很想講的話」,就是藉著上述的元件組成可以達成一個習知技術沒辦法達到的目的。

很多文件顯示,Whereby這段話對權利範圍的判斷並無「重量」(no weight),但為何要寫在範圍中,大概可以整理出幾種原因:

1. 幫助審查委員或是以後閱讀的人更瞭解發明的目的
2. 單純由發明的組成來看,可能難以與前案區隔,故加入功能性描述
3. 從發明的組成來看,難以理解有何用處,故加入結果的描述

5. A connection system as set forth in claim 4, further comprising a switch circuit that controls an output of said video signal from said unit, an OFF-state of said switch circuit being changed to an ON-state when the change of the OFF-state of said power switch element to the ON-state is performed by said power controller, whereby the output of said video signal from said unit is enabled.

以下列舉一例,US5978791是揭露一種使用唯一識別子(identifier)來識別資料項目(data item)的資料處理系統
1. In a data processing system, an apparatus comprising:
identity means for determining, for any of a plurality of data items present in the system, a substantially unique identifier, the identifier being determined using and depending on all of the data in the data item and only the data in the data item, whereby two identical data items in the system will have the same identifier; and
existence means for determining whether a particular data item is present in the system, by examining the identifiers of the plurality of data items.



或許,描述完了「identify means」之後,讀者還不瞭解這identifier有何用處,所以利用whereby道出兩個相同的「data item」有相同的識別子的作用雖然Whereby子句可能不會對權利範圍有何影響,但要避免引入新的元件,或是解釋到新的連接關係或是其他結構上的限制,也要避免無謂的功能性描述,因為將來「侵權」的爭議絕對會將此段文字拿來做文章,不管有沒有用!如果寫了沒有必要,或是作不到的功能,或是侵權物沒有的功能,無疑是限制了自己的解釋空間。

其他功能性子句還有:so that, for 等

參考資料:Landis on Mechanics Patent Claims Drafting

