2009年8月28日 星期五

限制與選擇 V

限制/選擇要求下的請願書(Petition)- 續(情況二)
Petition From Restriction/Election Requirement

參考審查基準821.01 - After Election With Traverse
申請人能對審查委員提出的限制選擇提出反駁(with traverse),若經過重新考慮,仍認為此限制要求為適當的,則下次Office Action則為Final Office Action or 再次restriction requirement (updated on June. 8, 2011, 下次可能仍是發出限制選擇要求,除非審查委員認定回應是錯誤且失敗,才可能發出Final),而其中將會包括審查委員不接受反駁的理由。
Where the initial requirement is traversed, it should be reconsidered. If, upon reconsideration, the examiner is still of the opinion that restriction is proper, it should be repeated and made final in the next Office action. (See MPEP § 803.01.) In doing so, the examiner should reply to the reasons or arguments advanced by applicant in the traverse. Form paragraph 8.25 should be used to make a restriction requirement final.

相反地,如果審查委員經過考慮,做出前次限制/選擇要求(全部或是部份)不適當的決定,則應於下次Office Action說明清楚,並撤回全部或部份的限制/選擇要求,並指出合併各被選擇的組別。
If the examiner, upon reconsideration, is of the opinion that the requirement for restriction is improper >in whole or in part<, he or she should >clearly<>in whole or in part, specify which groups have been rejoined, and give an action on the merits of all the claims directed to the elected invention and any invention rejoined with the elected invention<.

8.03 In Condition for Allowance, Non-elected Claims Withdrawn with Traverse
This application is in condition for allowance except for the presence of claim (權利範圍項次) directed to an invention non-elected with traverse in the reply filed on (發明或species). Applicant is given ONE MONTH or THIRTY DAYS from the date of this letter, whichever is longer, to cancel the noted claims or take other appropriate action ( 37 CFR 1.144). Failure to take action during this period will be treated as authorization to cancel the noted claims by Examiner's Amendment and pass the case to issue. Extensions of time under 37 CFR 1.136(a) will not be permitted since this application will be passed to issue.


