2009年10月22日 星期四

Nonart Rejections

Nonart Rejections

或是在技術審查前,有些要釐清的技術或是看不懂等的問題,包括限制選擇要求,這些情況下,審查委員會發出Office Action

有一種nonart rejection是「dulplicate claiming」,重複專利的問題

706.03(k) Duplicate Claims
Inasmuch as a patent is supposed to be limited to only one invention or, at most, several closely related indivisible inventions, limiting an application to a single claim, or a single claim to each of the related inventions might appear to be logical as well as convenient. However, court decisions have confirmed applicant's right to restate (i.e., by plural claiming) the invention in a reasonable number of ways. Indeed, a mere difference in scope between claims has been held to be enough.
Nevertheless, when two claims in an application are duplicates, or else are so close in content that they both cover the same thing, despite a slight difference in wording, it is proper after allowing one claim to object to the other claim under 37 CFR 1.75 as being a substantial duplicate of the allowed claim.


根據37 CFR 1.75 Claim(s).
(a) The specification must conclude with a claim particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the applicant regards as his invention or discovery.
(b) More than one claim may be presented provided they differ substantially from each other and are not unduly multiplied.

雖然,判例顯示,審查委員不應以太多範圍而認為過度重複(undue multiplicity)而提出核駁,因為申請人已經繳交超項費用,而應電話與申請人討論,選擇部份項次進行審查,甚至發出112的核駁理由,要求選擇。但審查委員理應提出核駁理由,比如這些多樣的範圍之間有重複專利的問題!

參考資料:Landis on Mechanics of Patent Claim Drafting

