2010年3月1日 星期一



(updated on April 25, 2018) 分割案規定已經有變動,例如已經沒有24個月內提分割案的限制,可參考:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/05/blog-post.html

(實施細則Rule 36)4.1.2010起,對於分割案的時間限制:
(a) EPC規定申請人可於審理中的案子提出分割申請案,但是應要於EPO對於最早案(earliest application)做出第一次溝通(或說審查,first commmunication)後24個月內提出分割案;(第一次溝通是第一次實際審查報告的時間)
(b) 應於EPO審查部門做出第一次核駁理由(不符合EPC 82條規定的單一性)後24個月內提出分割案(此為(a)點的例外,新修正以後的EPC 實施細則36(1)(b),當審查委員提出較早申請案不符單一性的規定,則會有另一個24個月的條件)

另規定,分割案應以較早申請案(earlier application)相同的語言提出;如果後案並非以EPO官方語言提出,仍應以前案語言提出;其譯文應於分割案提出兩個月內交付;分割案的受理局有慕尼黑、海牙或是柏林。


Rule 36
European divisional applications
(1) The applicant may file a divisional application relating to any pending earlier European patent application.
(2) A divisional application shall be in the language of the proceedings for the earlier application and shall be filed with the European Patent Office in Munich, The Hague or Berlin.
(3) The filing fee and search fee shall be paid within one month of filing the divisional application. If the filing fee or search fee is not paid in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
(4)* The designation fee shall be paid within six months of the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report drawn up in respect of the divisional application. Rule 39, paragraphs 2 and 3, shall apply.

消息來源:EPO, Kador&Partner

