2011年3月11日 星期五


然而,若要實施專利權,則仍需要透過指定國家,進入國家階段(national stage),經該國專利法審查,或直接參考EPO決定授證,獲取該國專利證書才能實施

歐洲專利局已經有完整的實際審查機制,且授予歐洲專利(European patent),甚至在各國調查也是世界品質第一的專利局(2010年資料,可參考http://enpan.blogspot.com/2010/06/epo.html),基於歐洲專利法(EPC)事實上已經是施行於所有EPO會員國(涵蓋歐盟,但不等於政治歐盟),且也為了整體歐洲經濟體的競爭力,所以已經有多年unitary patent protection歐洲單一專利)的想法,也就是一次授證,效力及於全體歐洲專利會員國!

10 March 2011

The EPO strongly welcomes the authorisation of the EU Council on enhanced cooperation in the area of unitary patent protection.

"The decision of EU member states today is a decisive step forward to improve the European patent system", EPO President Benoît Battistelli said. "It also underlines the political commitment and clear determination of the EU to strengthen the competitiveness of the European economy by way of introducing a cost-efficient unitary patent."

"The EU member states, but also the European Commission and the Hungarian EU Council Presidency, as well as its predecessor the Belgian presidency, are to be congratulated on this achievement. The EPO will continue to provide its full technical and legal support to the Commission in the successful implementation of this unitary patent. It is a very positive day for the European economy and for Europe".

EPC Article 140
National utility models and utility certificates

Articles 66(歐洲專利申請如同一般國家的效力,可主張優先權), 124(歐洲專利局有權要求申請人提供其他國或組織審查中的前案資訊), 135(各國可引用EPO專利狀態), 137(EP申請案不受各國內專利法支配) and 139(EP申請案與各會員國享有相同優先權優惠) shall apply to utility models and utility certificates and to applications for utility models and utility certificates registered or deposited in the Contracting States whose laws make provision for such models or certificates.


