2012年3月1日 星期四


日前專利上訴與衝突委員會(BPAI)作出一個訴願判決:Ex Parte Svendsen, App. No. 2011-012505 (BPAI 2012)

其中涉及的專利核駁訴願案(appeal):US 2007/0245377,權利範圍包括了一個有線通訊介面的機械元件,但此元件為一般習知技術常見,審查委員於是以專利性不足核駁,認為權利範圍中的硬體設置僅為習知技術以外其他解決方案之一(extra-solution activity),並無專利性。於是,申請人提出訴願(appeal),認為此發明仍具專利性,專利上訴與衝突委員會做出的決定有部份認同專利局(有關103的核駁),但是對於101的認定卻非相同意見(與專利審查委員不一致)

在此判決最後決定中,專利審查委員所引用的「extra-solution activity」的判斷可用來判斷本案是否為可專利的法定標的,因為在專利答辯過程中,訴願人(申請人)企圖利用加入一些不重要或無關的動作在該發明中,以排除該專利並非是抽象概念的認定,但這些努力最後被認為不具進步性!




1. A method comprising:
receiving a play history of a portable media player from a user system associated with the portable media player;
selecting a plurality of previews for the portable media player based on the play history; and
providing the plurality of previews to the user system, wherein the user system provides the plurality of previews to the portable media player.

經過多次核駁後的Claim 1樣貌(Claim 14被刪),有頗大幅度的修改,粗體字為克服101核駁補入的限制:
1. A method of operating a central system communicatively coupled to a user system via a network, the user system associated with a portable media player, comprising:
communicating with the user system via a communication interface connecting the central system to the network to identify media content of a plurality of media files forming a user media collection stored at the user system, the communication interface being one of a wired communication interface and a wireless communication interface;
storing information identifying the media content of the plurality of media files in the user media collection;
receiving, via the communication interface, a play history of the portable media player from the user system associated with the portable media player;
selecting a plurality of previews for the portable media player based on the play history of the portable media player and the information identifying the media content of the plurality of media files in the user media collection; and
providing, via the communication interface, the plurality of previews to the user system, wherein the user system provides the plurality of previews to the portable media player.

此案曾於2009.3.30遭遇到專利局做出不符專利法第101條的核駁理由,原因之一就是不符machine-or-transformation test:


初步觀察這個最初的權利範圍,有明顯可見一些硬體設備,如播放器、使用者系統等,但仍於專利審查時被認為是extra-solution activity。本案申請人對於本案Claims 1-6, 8-13提出訴願,訴願議題包括本案101核駁理由是否有理?前案的結合是否造成本案不具專利性?

根據專利審查委員的意見,認為該發明技術涉及的技術僅為前案的基礎架構「prior art infrastructure」與其中取得播放器播放歷史與提供預覽也為前案的核心概念「core inventive concept」而已,沒有特殊聯繫特定硬體或是有何技術上的開發,不符101需要的測試。

在爭議的專利範圍中,BPAI認為此發明應用了電腦技術,且沒有演算公式、人工的步驟或是抽象概念,且認為此類技術在市場上並非為抽象概念,具有實用性,更者,在專利審查中發明人對此發明的作為特別引入了避免抽象概念的硬體界定,只是被認為加入了不重要、無關的元件,雖非是extra-solution activity,但不具進步性

資料參考:Patently-O, BPAI web page

