2012年3月24日 星期六


iPhone, iPad或是各種智慧型手機、平板電腦十分有用,但是有些設計就是沒有擴充記憶體的地方,因此要與別人共享檔案,多半的限制就是在Apple相關電腦系統所處的LAN中分享,或是透過雲端檔案分享,現在有產品是提供一個記憶卡載體(讀卡機),iPhone、iPad或是一些智慧手機可利用無線方式連線此載體,存取其中的記憶卡!特別是由照相機所拍的照片或是別人用記憶卡儲存要給你的檔案! 這裡介紹的技術是在手機或平板電腦上安裝一個App,App提供瀏覽所連接的讀卡機的記憶卡內容檔案,包括影、圖、音檔、文件,App開啟後連線到指定的讀卡器,就會回傳內容列表。App還可以重開(reboot)讀卡器,事實上,讀卡器內嵌一個如Linux的系統,設有無線通訊模組、無線AP,啟動後成為一個檔案伺服器! (圖示updated 3.26.2012) 報章雜誌報導(壹週刊): 產品商網站報導:





1. A wireless memory card reader system comprising:

a) a data card insertion unit for wirelessly transmitting/receiving data and including a first casing with: a card insertion slot device configured to receive a memory card therein; a USB controller connected to the card insertion slot device to convert data received from the card insertion slot device into USB format; a Bluetooth radio driver connected to the USB controller; a first antenna connected to the Bluetooth radio driver for receiving and sending RF signals; and, a power source connected to the USB controller and to the Bluetooth radio driver;
b) a host unit end system including a second casing with: a second antenna for sending and receiving RF signals with the first antenna; and a Bluetooth wireless transmission driver connected to the second antenna; and,
c) a USB lead wire connected to the Bluetooth wireless transmission driver and extending from the second casing, the USB lead wire having a USB connector on a distal end, whereby data is wirelessly transmitted between the card insertion unit and the host unit end.


