2012年5月4日 星期五



德國法院同意Google的關係企業Motorola對微軟的Win7與Xbox360發出禁制令,Motorola專利涉及H.264這個影音編碼技術,相關產品如微軟的IE瀏覽器、Media Player與Xbox 360。微軟承認Motorola的專利為標準的關鍵專利(essential patents),但應公平地讓其他人使用,事實上,Motorola正在面對歐盟調查她的違法反托辣斯的壟斷行為。



1. Apparatus for adaptively compressing digital video signals for transmission comprising:
a plurality of motion compensators (30, 32), each using a different block size to compare current video image data to prior video image data in accordance with a block matching algorithm;
means for compressing video image data (14, 18) output from each of said motion compensators;
means, coupled to said compressing means, for comparing (20) the amount of compressed data resulting from each of said plurality of motion compensators for a region of a current video image corresponding to the smallest of said block sizes; and
means responsive to said comparing means for outputting the least amount of compressed data resulting from a motion compensator for said region.

EP0615384揭露一種數位影音訊號可針對接收端適性地進行壓縮,經各種格式壓縮後,可以根據資料內容提供壓縮模式,比例,之後經傳輸後,可以根據資料內容(overhead information)以相對解碼還原影音訊號。

1. Apparatus for adaptively compressing digital video data provided in the form of superblocks containing a plurality of blocks of said digital video data, comprising:
means for compressing a superblock using first, second and third different compression modes to provide three compressed outputs for comparison;
first means for comparing the amount of compressed data for each block of said superblock resulting from each of said compression modes after accounting for selection overhead necessary to identify a selection made by said first comparing means, said first comparing means selecting the compression mode for each block that results in the least amount of compressed data, including selection overhead, for the block;
second means for comparing the amount of compressed data for said superblock resulting from:

資料參考:FOSS PATENTS, Engadget.com

