2012年5月10日 星期四

QR Code的專利


二維條碼現在普遍應用的應該就是QR Code(quick response (QR) code),本網站也順應時勢,放了一個QR Code的圖案,讓想要記錄本網URL的人方便取得。

QR Code與Bar Code(一維)都是可以載入資訊的圖形碼,但是顯然QR Code可以載入更多資訊,且為統一標準,不像Bar code可自行定義。QR Code可以載入多種資訊,網路上有不少QR Code產生器,所載內容可以為URL,文字,電話號碼或簡訊(SMS)。

查了一下,QR Code(二維條碼)的商標是DENSO WAVE(http://www.denso-wave.com/)公司所有,因此使用到"QR Code"這個字的時候,應該加入(TM)或是說明商標權是DENSO WAVE公司所有,但在該公司網頁有提到,如果僅使用這個二維條碼圖案,就不用標註商標權所有。但是登錄商標權的國家僅及於日本、美國、澳洲與歐洲。

QR Code的使用規範由JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards)所管理,但使用卻不用這間公司授權,大家都可使用!

經過美國專利檢索,專利權人設為"DENSO WAVE",有50多件核准專利,多半為條碼掃描器的硬體專利,這也符合這間公司網站上介紹他們所販售的產品品項,經初步瀏覽,涉及QR Code的專利佈局分別為US6,997,384(商業交易時顯示與讀取資訊碼的方法,申請日:July 9, 2003)、US7,802,730(整合光學可讀取符號的資訊載器,申請日:2006年10月19日)與US7,032,823(二維條碼、產生與顯示此二維條碼的方法、裝置,申請日:1987年3月31日)

以較早申請的US6,997,384(優先權:JP2002-211038)來看,此案揭露一種商業交易時顯示與讀取資訊碼的方法,此時已經出現QR Code的身影,顯然這件並非是二維條碼的最早專利,看了一下審查委員的引證資料,其中有兩件名稱有關於"two-dimensional"的專利,其一為US5,414,251所揭露的解碼二維光學資訊的讀取器,申請日為1992年3月;另一為US5,631,457所揭露的二維符號讀取裝置,申請日為1995年8月。上述US5,631,457說明書文中得知多個一維條碼的日本專利技術,如:JP05-307627與JP03-154187。

此件專利說明書提到兩個日本專利案JP2001-188846與JP2002-109420,其中JP2002-109420已揭露消費者使用QR Code提供POS系統讀取而進行交易的技術。顯然這些專利都用沿用二維條碼的技術。US6,997,384揭露了作為商業交易手段的光學資訊讀取器,可以讀取與解碼顯示在手機顯示器上的QR Code。

聰明的人會先去Wikipedia找QR Code的資料,我呢,最後才知Denso Wave所擁有的US5,726,435、EP0672994與JP2938338才算是基礎專利。
US5,726,435原始擁有人是NIPPONDENSO CO., LTD.,2002年才轉給DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED,所以我在DENSO WAVE的專利中確實找不到此件專利,也沒有看到引用此件專利的資訊。


揭露一種光學讀取的二維條碼與使用的方法(Optically readable two-dimensional code and method and apparatus using the same),

此案摘要就已將將QR Code的構造與原理交待清楚了,雖非實體物品,卻也是清清楚楚的元件描述。二維條碼的圖案中包括有三個定位符(positioning symbols 2),一個資料區(data region 3)、多個時序元(timing cells 4)與一個頂點偵測元(apex detecting cell 5),可對照左圖,各個元件形狀為長寬一樣數目的方形,掃描線經過每個定位符(2)的中心點,因為這些為固定的位置,而可得到整個圖案的比例,因此,即便掃描時有個旋轉角度,也不會被影響,之後就判讀其中時序元所載的資訊。

1. A two-dimensional code comprising:
a plurality of cells, each of said plurality of cells representing a binary-coded datum;
said plurality of cells forming a two-dimensional matrix pattern readable by a scanning operation along any arbitrary scanning lines; and
at least three positioning symbols disposed at predetermined positions in said two-dimensional matrix pattern, at least two of said at least three positioning symbols having a pattern capable of gaining an identical frequency component ratio irrespective of an orientation of said any arbitrary scanning lines whenever said arbitrary scanning lines pass through a center of each of said at least three positioning symbols.

7. A two-dimensional code reading apparatus for optically reading a two-dimensional code including a plurality of binary-coded cells in a two-dimensional matrix pattern, said two-dimensional code including a symbol disposed in a vicinity of an apex of said two-dimensional matrix, said symbol having a specific pattern including concentric similar figures overlapped successively, said reading apparatus comprising:
an image pickup device to take an image of said two-dimensional code to convert said image pixel by pixel into a resultant image signal in response to a light intensity of said image, and to successively output said resultant image signal; and
a decoder unit to decode said resultant image signal into a binary-coded signal, said decoder unit comprising:
binary-encoding means for binary encoding said resultant image signal in accordance with a level of said resultant image signal, and outputting said binary-coded signal successively;
memory means for storing said binary-coded signal as image data in accordance with a position of a pixel where said image was taken;
symbol detecting means for detecting said specific pattern corresponding to said symbol based on said binary-coded signal;
apex detecting means for detecting coordinates of said symbol from said image data stored in said memory means based on said specific pattern detected by said symbol detecting means;
matrix position determining means for finalizing a contour and an orientation of said two-dimensional matrix based on coordinates of said symbol detected by said apex detecting means, thereby identifying all coordinates of said plurality of binary-coded cells; and
reading means for reading out said image data stored in said memory means in accordance with said finalized contour and said orientation of said two-dimensional matrix.


