2012年6月13日 星期三

Dimand v. Chakrabarty判例討論

Dimand v. Chakrabarty判例是美國專利建立基因改造生物體是否可專利的判例

物質組成(composition of matter)為美國專利法101條規定的法定可核准標的之一,物質組成包括物理的混合(比如一些藥物成份的混成),與化學上實質變化的合成,化學合成相關的專利如藥品專利、治療疾病的方法、疫苗等原來自然界沒有而經過人為產生的東西,都可為獲准專利的標的(相關判例演進可參考以下講義畫面)。
本次討論的Dimand v. Chakrabarty判例係關於由基因科技生產的物品,雖也是化學方法形成的物品,但是由於涉及「基因工程」議題, 因此頗值得研究。如講義所述,此案係為由基因工程製造可分解石油的細菌,專利標的涉及細菌的製作、分解石油的方法與細菌本身。

自然律、物理現象、抽象概念或是新發現的礦物並非是可專利標的,但是一個活的人類工程製造的微生物則為可專利的標的。此Chakrabarty案涉及並非在自然界原有的菌種製造,為美國專利法第101條中規定可專利的產品(manufacture)或是物質的組成(composition of matter),並且此人工菌種可以分解石油,事實上是十分有用的(useful)。


Claim 1:
1. A bacterium from the genus Pseudomonas containing therein at least two stable energy-generating plasmids, each of said plasmids providing a separate hydrocarbon degradative pathway.

Claim 7:
7. An inoculum for the degradation of a preselected substrate comprising a complex or mixture of hydrocarbons, said inoculum consisting essentially of bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas at least some of which contain at least two stable energy-generating plasmids, each of said plasmids providing a separate hydrocarbon degradative pathway.

Claim 14:
14. An inoculated medium for the degradation of liquid hydrocarbon substrate material floating on water, said inoculated medium comprising a carrier material able to float on water and bacteria from the genus Pseudomonas carried thereby, at least some of said bacteria each containing at least two stable energy-generating plasmids, each of said plasmids providing a separate hydrocarbon degradative pathway and said carrier material being able to absorb said hydrocarbon material.

此件判例形成之後,也對後續一些判決產生影響,尤其是專利侵權議題中,若被告提出該專利為一種自然的發現,並無鼓勵產業進步的辯論時,法院的見解成為重要侵權判斷的依據,Dimand v. Chakrabarty判例即可能會被引用:當權利範圍描述的標的為一些自然界物質的組成,並無人工的物品,其中物質仍用原來存在自然界的方式運作,也不會提供任何改善原功能的可能,此類發明/發現不會被准予專利。
The combination of species produces no new bacteria . . . and no enlargement of the range of their utility. Each species has the same effect it always had. The bacteria perform in their natural way. Their use in combination does not improve in any way their natural functioning. They serve the ends nature originally provided and act quite independently of any effort of the patentee.
但是,由自然界物質所研究產生的新的使用方法(new use)則可能被專利,但範圍也僅限於使用方法(method of use),並非該物質本身。
A researcher who discovered a new use for a naturally occurring bacteria might obtain a patent; a new use is the handiwork of the inventor. But the patent would cover only the method of use, not the bacteria itself.


