2012年7月5日 星期四



但這個明顯用途的專利(美國專利:US8046721、歐洲專利:EP1964022)仍然在英國法官(Judge Christopher Floyd)的判斷中認為HTC無侵權,而且其中有三件被認為是無效專利,包括前述滑動解鎖的專利。


法官認為此案其中有4項範圍無效,原因就是使用Neonode N1m的先前技術,可以參考部落格文章:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2011/11/slide-to-unlock.html

Claim 1:
1. A computer-implemented method of controlling a portable electronic device (400, 1000) comprising a touch-sensitive display (408, 1014), comprising:
detecting (308, 908) contact with the touch-sensitive display (408, 1014) while the device is in a user-interface lock state;
transitioning (314, 914) the device (400, 1000) to a user-interface unlock state if the detected contact corresponds to a predefined gesture; and
maintaining (312, 912) the device (400, 1000) in the user-interface lock state if the detected contact does not correspond to the predefined gesture;
characterized by
moving an unlock image (402, 1002, 1008) along a predefined displayed path on the touch-sensitive display (408, 1014) in accordance with the contact, wherein the unlock image (402, 1002, 1008) is a graphical, interactive user-interface object with which a user interacts in order to unlock the device (400, 1000).

6. A portable electronic device (100, 400, 1000), comprising:
a touch-sensitive display (126, 408, 1014);
one or more processors (106);
memory (102); and
one or more programs (132 to 146), wherein the one or more programs (132 to 146) are stored in the memory (102) and configured to be executed by the one or more processors (106), the programs (132 to 146) including instructions for:
detecting (308, 908) contact with the touch-sensitive display (126, 408, 1014) while the device (100, 400, 1000) is in a user-interface lock state;
transitioning (314, 914) the device (100, 400, 1000) to a user-interface unlock state if the detected contact corresponds to a predefined gesture;
maintaining (312, 912) the device (100, 400, 1000) in the user-interface lock state if the detected contact does not correspond to the predefined gesture;
characterized in that:
the programs (132 to 146) further include instructions for moving an unlock image (402, 1002, 1008) along a predefined displayed path on the touch-sensitive display (126, 408, 1014) in accordance with the contact,
wherein the unlock image (402, 1002, 1008) is a graphical, interactive user-interface object with which a user interacts in order to unlock the device (100, 400, 1000).


法官認為此案Claim 1無效,原因其保護了一個純粹的軟體方法(computer program as such),可能是因為權利範圍中並未有硬體連結關係,因此被認定為法定無效的純軟體方法

1. A method for handling touch events at a multi-touch device, comprising:
displaying one or more views;
executing one or more software elements, each software element being associated with a particular view;
associating a multi-touch flag or an exclusive touch flag with each view;
receiving one or more touches at the one or more views; and
selectively sending one or more touch events, each touch event describing a received touch, to one or more of the software elements associated with the one or more views at which a touch was received based on the values of the multi-touch and exclusive touch flags.



1. A computer-implemented method, comprising:
at a device (100) with a touch screen display (112):
detecting (2402) a first movement (2310) of a physical object on or near the touch screen display (112);
while detecting the first movement (2310), translating (2404) a first digital object (2300-1) displayed on the touch screen display (112) in a first direction, wherein the first digital object (2300-1) is associated with a set of digital objects; characterized in that:
in response to display of a previously hidden edge (2312) of the first digital object (2300-1) and continued detection of the first movement (2310),
displaying (2406) an area (2314) beyond the edge (2312) of the first digital object (2300-1);
after the first movement (2310) is no longer detected, translating (2408) the.first digital object (2300-1) in a second direction (2316) until the area (2314) beyond the edge (2312) of the first digital object (2300-1) is no longer displayed;
detecting (2410) a second movement (2318) of the physical object on or near the touch screen display (112); and
in response to detecting the second movement (2318) while the previously hidden edge (2312) of the first digital object (2300-1) is displayed, translating (2412) the first digital object (2300-1) in the first direction and displaying a second digital object (2300-2) in the set of digital objects.


此案特別遭遇一個古老手機Hagenuk MT900前案的阻礙,被認定無效,技術為接收到訊息時,儲存起來,判斷訊息的語言,之後以對應的語言顯示



資料參考:cnet.com, engadget, FOSS Patents

2 則留言:

  1. 請問一下,純軟體方法的專利一定是法定無效的專利嗎?

  2. 就法律而言,各國對法定不予專利的規定不同,根據實務經驗,但普遍對「軟體」本身都不會給予專利,「與硬體連結」是迴避的最佳方式。針對美國專利,這方面需要克服一些判斷,「transformation or tied to machine」是個普遍會用的法則,另外需要克服101條一些判例的判斷,雖然法院與專利局的判斷會有不同,但是先過專利局這關吧!

