2012年10月24日 星期三



其中有個用字"mutatis mutandis"是指"作了適當的修正",特別是指新型專利法是由發明專利法的適當修改而來,也註解於第11,15條中:
Article 11 Mutatis Mutandis Application of the Patent Act
Articles 33 to 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 51, 52, and 54 to 56 of the Patent Act apply mutatis mutandis to the requirements of utility model registration and the applications for utility model registration.

Article 15 Mutatis Mutandis Application of the Patent Act
Articles 57, 58, 58bis, 60, 61, 63bis, 64 to 66, 66bis, 67, 67bis, 68, and 78 of the Patent Act apply mutatis mutandis to any examination or decision pertaining to an application for utility model registration.

(i) 不符本法第4條的完成申請的要求、違反第6條無法專利的標的的規定、違法第7條先申請主義的規定,以及第25條與未授權自不同人的前申請案的申請案規定者;
(ii) 非法定申請人,如發明人自己、繼承人、受讓人等;
(iii) 違反國際公約;
(iv) 違反能據以實施、Claim撰寫規定、適格(單一裝置)的撰寫方式;
(v) 改請後(convert)專利態樣不符,比如發明案有方法請求項,將不能改請為新型案;
(vi) 經修改後超出原揭露內容;
(vii) 分割案的範疇超出原母案揭露範圍。

Article 13 Decision to Refuse a Utility Model Registration
Where an application for utility model registration falls under any of the following subparagraphs (referred to as "the reasons for refusal"), an examiner (referred to as "an examiner"), under Article 57(1) of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 15 of this Act, shall refuse to register the utility model:
(i) where the utility model is unregistrable under Articles 4, 6 and 7(1) to 7(3) of this Act and Article 25 of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 3 of this Act or Article 44 of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 11 of this Act;
(ii) where the applicant is not entitled to register a utility model under the main part of Article 33(1) of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 11 of this Act or the utility model is unregistrable under the proviso of the Article 33(1) of the Patent Act;
(iii) where the registration of the utility model violates a treaty;
(iv) where the registration of the utility model fails to meet the requirements of Articles 8(3), 8(4), 8(8) and 9 of this Act;

(v) where the converted application is beyond the scope referred to in Article 10(1) of this Act;
(vi) where the amendment is beyond the scope referred to in Article 47(2) of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 11 of this Act; or
(vii) where the divisional application is beyond the scope referred to in Article 52(1) of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 11 of this Act.

Article 8 Application for a Utility Model Registration
(4) The claim(s) under paragraph (2)(iv) must describe the matter for which protection is sought in one or more claims (referred to as "claim(s)"), and the claim(s) must comply with each of the following subparagraphs:
(i) the claim(s) must be supported by a detailed description of the device;
(ii) the claim(s) must define the device clearly and concisely
(iii) deleted.

(1) A utility model may be granted for devices that are industrially applicable and relate to the shape or structure of an article or a combination of articles, unless they fall under either of the following subparagraphs:
(i) devices publicly known or worked in the Republic of Korea or a foreign country before the filing of the utility model application; or
(ii) devices described in a publication distributed in the Republic of Korea or in a foreign country before the filing of the utility model application or made available to the public through electronic telecommunication lines under Presidential Decree.

Article 4 Requirements for Utility Model Registration
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph(1), where a device could easily have been made before the filing of the utility model application by a person with ordinary skill in the art to which the device pertains, on the basis of a device referred to in either subparagraph of paragraph (1), a utility model registration may not be granted to that device.


