2012年10月12日 星期五




其中13/204572案為先前核准案的延續案(CA),專利核准公告為US 8,286,103,在相同的概念下,顯然會有不同的專利範圍。
核准範圍共有12項,摘錄Claim 1如下,描述方法與權利範圍與先前獲准的案子不一樣:
1. A method of unlocking a portable electronic device, the device including a touch-sensitive display, the method comprising: 
detecting a contact with the touch-sensitive display on an unlock image displayed at a first location on the touch-sensitive display, wherein the unlock image is a graphical, interactive user-interface object with which a user interacts in order to unlock the device; 
continuously moving the unlock image on the touch-sensitive display in accordance with movement of the detected contact while continuous contact with the touch-sensitive display is maintained; 
if moving the unlock image on the touch-sensitive display results in movement of the unlock image from the first location to an unlock region on the touch-sensitive display: 
unlocking the portable electronic device; and 
ceasing to display the unlock image; and 
if moving the unlock image on the touch-sensitive display does not result in movement of the unlock image from the first location to an unlock region on the touch-sensitive display: maintaining the device in a locked state; and 
maintaining display of the unlock image. 

從這個範圍可知,不同於先前獲准的案子的「解鎖圖案」須要從一個預設位置移動到另一個預設位置才能解鎖的請況,這件專利彷彿有較大的範圍,因為,只要將「解鎖圖案」移動到一個區域(unlock region)時,無須到設定的另一個預設位置,就完成解鎖

實際做起來大約是,當使用者按壓著解鎖的指示圖(如箭頭、方塊),拉到另一個位置時,就可解鎖,這可以對比android在畫自己設定的解鎖圖形的解鎖方式,或是如將解鎖圖案拉向一個方向就解鎖的方式。不過,「unlock image」仍是必要條件


沒有unlock image的解鎖方式:


