2012年11月2日 星期五



Apple"好戰"的行為使得其與許多的傳統大廠之間訴訟不斷,多半是因為一種"自卑"或說是一種"防衛"(以攻為守)的手段,理由自然是因為Apple較晚進入手機通訊領域,所有的技術都不是在最前端,但由於其產品的優越、觸控操作的設計,又在所有的通訊技術正趨成熟之際進入這個領域,一切時機似乎都是「時候滿足」的時刻,因此產品的成功並非偶然!但是卻是要面對許多前輩在前的專利權,除了購買相關零組件在硬體方面可以避免直接的侵權行為外,或可利用FRAND defense(可參考:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/02/frand-defense.html),在其他軟體功能、通訊方法、作業系統、外觀設計等方面就因為Apple的完整專利佈局而能採取主動出擊的生存之戰!我認為,一系列訴訟/新聞的資訊也讓消費者覺得每一台手機似乎都在模仿Apple。

在這件Wisconsin的授權金協議爭訟中,Apple首先先宣告她只會對Motorola Mobility為每支iPhone付出1元或是更少的授權金(licensing fee),並且聲稱如果法院同意這個金額,會馬上付錢;相反地,如果法院認為應該為FRAND專利授權付出超過1元的金額,Apple會不計一切而繼續上訴!(這是在萬聖節的宣告)

"Apple has however been an outspoken leader in the industry on FRAND and has repeatedly urged that a rational and consistent framework for determining FRAND rates for wireless standards-essential portfolios must be set. Apple's actions in both licensing and litigation have matched its words in public. Because of that, Apple is willing to pay the FRAND rate this Court sets going forward if that rate is less than or equal to $1 per unit for its worldwide sales of covered products, as further discussed below in Section II.D. This is the rate that Apple believes is appropriate in these circumstances, a rate that flows from Apple's articulated FRAND framework, and the only rate that can be supported by experts at this trial. To the extent the Court sets the rate higher than $1 per unit, Apple reserves the right to exhaust all appeals and also reserves the right available to any party offered a license: the right to refuse and proceed to further infringement litigation. The Court has stated that it intends to set the “current fair license rate for purposes of specific performance.” Dkt. No. 424 at 18. With regard to Motorola’s request for an order requiring Apple to pay Motorola for the past (which is also beyond the scope of the specific performance remedy requested), Apple is confident that parties can negotiate a resolution once the Court sets a FRAND rate going forward."
(摘自Foss Patents的引用內容)


資料參考:Cult of Mac, FOSS Patents

