2012年11月20日 星期二


韓國設計專利包括有實審制(Substantive Examination System (SES))與非實審制(Non-Substantive Examination System (NSES))兩種。

為了符合申請人希望快速審查與漸漸增多短生命週期的設計趨勢,目前韓國設計專利的制度引入了前述的非實審制(1998年), 讓申請人可以在一到兩個月取得設計專利,也提供核准後的異議制度(Post-Grant Opposition)與相關訴願制度。


非實審制流程如下,主要的審查步驟為型式審查(formality check),主要是要判斷所請求的設計是否符合工業實用性、是否為形狀、圖案、顏色與其組合的標的物,另包括判斷是否含有不可專利的內容,如國旗、國徽、軍旗與相關的裝飾與排列,更不可有違反風俗與道德的圖案,也不能與其他人事業有關的內容,或僅功能相關的設計。
(i) designs that are identical or similar to the national flag, national emblem, military flags, decorations, orders of merit, badges and medals of public organizations, national flags and national emblems of foreign countries, or characters or indications of international organizations;
(ii) designs whose meaning or content is liable to contravene the public order or morality;
(iii) designs liable to give rise to confusion over articles connected with another person's business; and
(iv) designs consisting solely of a shape that is essential to secure the functions of the article.


1) where the kind of application is not clear;
2) where the name or address of a person (or juridicial person) who handles the procedure (i.e., the applicant) is not described;
3) where the application is not written in Korean;
4) where the application is not accompanied by drawings;
5) where the article(s) in which the design is embodied is not described; or
6) where the application is submitted by a person who has no address or place of business in the Republic of Korea, without a representative addressed in the Republic of Korea.


