2012年12月5日 星期三



先可參閱「37 CFR 1.121 - 圖式修正」:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2008/09/37-cfr-1121.html

37 CFR 1.84(l)
此段描述的圖式標準包括應滿足可以重製(複製)線條、數字、字母的特性,應可以隨著歲月累進而耐用、清楚、黑色、夠深(dense and dark),以及厚度平均而明確,若要表達不同的意思,可用不同的線條厚度。
§1.84 Standards for drawings.
Character of lines, numbers, and letters. All drawings must be made by a process which will give them satisfactory reproduction characteristics. Every line, number, and letter must be durable, clean, black (except for color drawings), sufficiently dense and dark, and uniformly thick and well-defined. The weight of all lines and letters must be heavy enough to permit adequate reproduction. This requirement applies to all lines however fine, to shading, and to lines representing cut surfaces in sectional views. Lines and strokes of different thicknesses may be used in the same drawing where different thicknesses have a different meaning.
37 CFR 1.121(d) 
此段提到圖式的修正,任何圖式修正仍應滿足前述37CFR1.84的規定,提出替換頁,並在頁眉標示"replacement sheet",即便僅有一張圖要修改,但都要整份提交;新增圖式應於頁眉標示"new sheet",圖示修正的註解可寫在答辯書中。
§1.121 Manner of making amendments in applications.
Drawings: One or more application drawings shall be amended in the following manner: Any changes to an application drawing must be in compliance with Sec. 1.84 and must be submitted on a replacement sheet of drawings which shall be an attachment to the amendment document and, in the top margin, labeled "Replacement Sheet." Any replacement sheet of drawings shall include all of the figures appearing on the immediate prior version of the sheet, even if only one figure is amended. Any new sheet of drawings containing an additional figure must be labeled in the top margin as "New Sheet." All changes to the drawings shall be explained, in detail, in either the drawing amendment or remarks section of the amendment paper. 



