2012年12月6日 星期四


Meyer Intellectual Properties Limited v. Bodum, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2012)

  1. 有趣的是CAFC認為地方法院誤解專利系統的立意,而浪費了大量的資源!原來我們常使用的手搖式奶泡器是有專利的
  2. 從告訴人前後取得兩件專利的方式可以看出CA(continuation of application)案的用處,包括提出不同於母案的權利範圍,甚至擴大範圍)
  3. 系爭專利明顯有前案,為顯而易知!
 此Meyer v. Bodum案例關於「咖啡機製造奶泡」的技術,係於2012年8月的聯邦巡迴上訴法院(CAFC)涉及「顯而易知性(obviousness)」的判決,其中特別可提的是,CAFC認為來自地方法院(Northern District of Illinois)的判決為"誤導以及缺乏對專利法的瞭解",這還真是挺嚴重的批評!原因是,勞民傷財並非專利系統的立意!

其中CAFC提醒地方法院,提到2007年KSR的最高法院判例(可參閱:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2009/02/ksr-v-teleflex.htmlhttp://enpan.blogspot.tw/2010/09/ksr-uspto.html),認為法院給了專利局審查委員極大的權限去判斷一個專利案的顯而易知性,並且地方法院的簡易判決(summary judgment)也應該證明系爭專利為顯而易知的技術,因此作出不同於地方法院的審決,此案應該「侵權不成立」,這應該早早就決定的事,相關訴訟方竟然花了大錢與多年的纏訟,甚至要CAFC作出後續判決,這不符公眾利益,也非專利系統的目的

Under the Supreme Court’s decision in KSR International Co. v. Teleflex, Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 420 (2007), and its predecessors, it would be reasonable to expect that the claims would have been rejected as obvious by the examiner, and, if not, that they would have been found obvious on summary judgment by the district court. But no such thing. The parties have spent hun-dreds of thousand of dollars and several years litigating this issue, and are invited by us to have another go of it in a second trial. Such wasteful litigation does not serve the interests of the inventorship community, nor does it fulfill the purposes of the patent system.

本案涉及的專利包括US 5,780,087 (087專利)與US 5,939,122 (122專利)
US 5,780,087
1. A method for aerating a liquid comprising the steps of:
providing a container characterized by a height and a diameter, the height being at least two times the diameter;
placing the liquid into the container;
introducing a rod terminating in a plunger into the liquid in said container so that the plunger contacts the liquid, the plunger comprising;
a plunger body having a circumference;
a screen; and
a spring positioned about the circumference of the plunger body such that the spring is biased to hold the screen in place in contact with, though not sealably connected to, the container; and
pumping the plunger by moving the rod in a vertical motion such that the plunger passes through the liquid in the container for a time sufficient to aerate the liquid until it takes on a frothy or foamy consistency.

US 5,939,122
1. A method for aerating a liquid comprising the steps of:
providing a container characterized by a height and a diameter, the height being at least two times the diameter, the container having an inside wall;
placing the liquid into the container;
introducing a rod terminating in a plunger into the liquid in said container so that the plunger contacts the liquid, the plunger comprising:
a plunger body having a circumference; and
a screen; and
pumping the plunger by moving the rod in a vertical motion such that the plunger passes through the liquid in the container for a time sufficient to aerate the liquid until it takes on a frothy or foamy consistency,
the plunger body further including means for holding the screen such that, as the plunger passes through the liquid, substantially no liquid passes between the circumference of the plunger body and the inside wall of the container.
7. A method for aerating a liquid comprising the steps of:
providing a container;
placing the liquid into the container;
introducing a rod terminating in a plunger into the liquid in said container so that the plunger contacts the liquid, the plunger comprising:
a plunger body having a bottom surface, with feet-like protrusions on the bottom surface, and
a screen; and
pumping the plunger by moving the rod in a vertical motion such that the plunger passes through the liquid in the container for a time sufficient to aerate the liquid until it takes on a frothy or foamy consistency,
whereby the feet-like protrusions on the bottom surface of the plunger body serve to assist in the agitation of the liquid during the step of pumping the plunger.


在CAFC解釋專利範圍時,得到專利087在專利局審查期間遭遇前案(US5,580,169,"Ghidini Patent"而作出權利範圍修正,併入:(1) a dimensional limitation requiring that the container have a height that is at least two times the diameter; and (2) a plunger with a screen and a spring, where the spring is “positioned about the circumference of the plunger body such that the spring is biased to hold the screen in place in contact with, though not sealably connected to, the container.”,顯然容器的大小與其中彈簧的限制為重要的限縮條件而讓該案獲准!

(1) Meyer failed to provide sufficient evidence of an intent to induce infringement;
(2) Bodum could not induce infringement because it believed in good faith that the Meyer patents are invalid;
(3) Bodum could not be liable for inducement because no single third party could perform all the steps in the patented claims, not even Mr. Karvelis; and
(4) even if Mr. Karvelis had per-formed all of the steps of the method claims, his acts could not be acts of “infringement” since he was acting under an implied license created by the umbrella of the parties’ litigation.

在審理過程中,Bodum曾提出前述專利應該是顯而易知的技術,理由是結合了Bodum 3-Cup French Press與再領證案Ghidini Patent,顯然CAFC認同此證據!

Bodum 3-Cup French Press可 能是這個(1982年就販賣,而且沒有改過設計),有兩個特色:1) a carafe with a 2:1 height to diameter ratio; and (2) a plunger mechanism almost identical to that disclosed in the patents-in-suit.
Ghidini Patent
  1. 推翻地方法院簡易判決作出Bodum的起泡劑(frother version 1)侵害Meyer的專利的決定
  2. 推翻地方法院簡易判決作出Bodum的起泡劑(frother version 2)侵害Meyer的122專利的決定
  3. 推翻地方法院拒絕Bodum使用先前技術(introducing prior art)阻卻的抗辯以及其他證據的決定
  4. 推翻地方法院拒絕Bodum所提出的專家證詞證明系爭專利為顯而易知的議題的決定
  5. 推翻地方法院拒絕Bodum引用不公平對待的證據的決定
  6. 撤銷地方法院拒絕Bodum提出JMOL(judgment as a matter of law)的請願的決定,該請願是要證實Bodum非惡意侵害,因此撤銷陪審團對惡意侵害的裁決(verdict of willfulness)
  7. 撤銷地方法院作出提高賠償金與判給Meyer律師的決定(enhancing damages and awarding attorney fees to Meyer)



