2012年12月27日 星期四


引用KSR v. Teleflex判例的人通常是審查委員,提供審查委員充分的核駁依據,也就是當審查委員判斷發明符合KSR判例中幾點顯而易見的判斷條件之一時,即可發出核駁理由,條件包括,發明可核准專利,除非該發明為:
  1. 先前技術元件的結合根據已知方法產生可預期的結果;
  2. 已知元件的簡單置換,產生可預期的結果;
  3. 已知技術的使用以相同的方式改善類似的裝置、方法與產品;
  4. 在已知裝置或產品上應用已知技術,產生可預期的結果;
  5. obvious to try—從有限已定義的、可預期的解決方案中選擇,產生合理可預期的成功;
  6. 根據設計需要、市場的驅使,特定技術領域中已知的方式所引出相同領域的變化為相關技術領域中的人可預期(predictable);
  7. 先前技術中一些教示、建議與動機(TSM)使得該項領域技術人員可以修改先前技術而得到該發明的技術。

MPEP為規範審查委員作出核駁理由的審查指南,上例所引用的片段就是MPEP 2143的內容,MPEP 2143規範審查委員要充分且精確地證明權利範圍為何為顯而易知(至少包括上述7點),也就是,如果可以證明審查委員並未遵守此項規定,顯然沒有充分理由證明發明不具專利性,應要核准專利。

The key to supporting any rejection under 35 U.S.C. 103 is the clear articulation of the reason(s) why the claimed invention would have been obvious. The Supreme Court in KSR noted that the analysis supporting a rejection under 35 U.S.C. 103 should be made explicit.


Exemplary rationales that may support a conclusion of obviousness include:

(A) Combining prior art elements according to known methods to yield predictable results;

(B) Simple substitution of one known element for another to obtain predictable results;

(C) Use of known technique to improve similar devices (methods, or products) in the same way;

(D) Applying a known technique to a known device (method, or product) ready for improvement to yield predictable results;

(E) "Obvious to try" - choosing from a finite number of identified, predictable solutions, with a reasonable expectation of success;

(F) Known work in one field of endeavor may prompt variations of it for use in either the same field or a different one based on design incentives or other market forces if the variations are predictable to one of ordinary skill in the art;

(G) Some teaching, suggestion, or motivation in the prior art that would have led one of ordinary skill to modify the prior art reference or to combine prior art reference teachings to arrive at the claimed invention.

Note that the list of rationales provided is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. Other rationales to support a conclusion of obviousness may be relied upon by Office personnel.


