2013年2月6日 星期三



根據MPEP 1214.05規定,這些撤回的權項在審定後將由審查委員刪除,並通知申請人。

1214.05 Cancellation of Withdrawn Claims

Where an appellant withdraws some of the appealed claims (i.e., claims subject to a ground of rejection that the appellant did not present for review in the brief), and the Board reverses the examiner on the remaining appealed claims, the withdrawal is treated as an authorization to cancel the withdrawn claims. It is necessary for the examiner to notify the appellant of the cancellation of the withdrawn claims. 

MPEP 1215.03則細節規範審查委員可以執行的相關修訂

1215.03 Partial Withdrawal

A withdrawal of the appeal as to some of the claims on appeal operates as an authorization to cancel those claims from the application or reexamination proceeding and the appeal continues as to the remaining claims. The withdrawn claims will be canceled from an application by direction of the examiner at the time of the withdrawal of the appeal as to those claims. Examiner may use the following form paragraph to cancel the claims that are withdrawn from appeal at the time of the withdrawal:

12.121 Withdrawal of Appeal as to Some of the Claims on Appeal

The withdrawal of the appeal as to claims operates as an authorization to cancel these claims from the application or reexamination proceeding. See MPEP § 1215.03. Accordingly, these claims are canceled.

12.179.02 Dismissal Following New Ground(s) of Rejection in Examiner's Answer

Appellant failed to timely respond to the examiner's answer mailed on that included a new ground of rejection mailed on. Under 37 CFR 41.39(b), if an examiner's answer contains a rejection designated as a new ground of rejection, appellant must, within two months from the date of the examiner's answer, file either: (1) a request that prosecution be reopened by filing a reply under 37 CFR 1.111; or (2) a request that the appeal be maintained by filing a reply brief under 37 CFR 41.41, addressing each new ground of rejection, to avoid sua sponte dismissal of the appeal as to the claims subject to the new ground of rejection. In view of appellant's failure to file a reply under 37 CFR 1.111 or a reply brief within the time period required by 37 CFR 41.39, the appeal as to claims is dismissed, and these claims are canceled.
Only claims remain in the application. The appeal continues as to these remaining claims. The application will be forwarded to the Board after mailing of this communication.

12.186 Dismissal Following A Supplemental Examiner"s Answer Written in Response to a Remand for Further Consideration of a Rejection

Appellant failed to timely respond to the supplemental examiner's answer mailed on that was written in response to a remand by the Board for further consideration of a rejection mailed on. Under 37 CFR 41.50(a)(2), appellant must, within two months from the date of the supplemental examiner's answer, file either: (1) a request that prosecution be reopened by filing a reply under 37 CFR 1.111; or (2) a request that the appeal be maintained by filing a reply brief under 37 CFR 41.41, to avoid sua sponte dismissal of the appeal as to the claims subject to the rejection for which the Board has remanded the proceeding. In view of appellant's failure to file a reply under 37 CFR 1.111 or a reply brief within the time period required by 37 CFR 41.50(a)(2), the appeal as to claims is dismissed, and these claims are canceled.
Only claims remain in the application. The appeal continues as to these remaining claims. The application will be forwarded to the Board after mailing of this communication.


