2013年3月5日 星期二




Article 62 Decision to Refus e a Patent
An examiner shall refus e a patent application for any of the following reasons (referred to as "the reasons for refusal"):
(i) where the invention is unpatentable under Articles 25, 29, 31, 32, 36(1) to (3) or 44;
(ii) where the application is filed by a person who does not have the right to obtain a patent under Article 33(1) or where the invention is unpatentable under the proviso of Article 33(1);
(iii) where the application violates a treaty;
(iv) where the application does not comply with the requirements of
Articles 42(3) to (5) or 45; or
(v) where the application is amended beyond the scope of Article 47(2).


Article 63 Notification of Reasons for Refusal
An examiner who refuses a patent application under Article 62 shall notify the applicant of the reasons and give the applicant an opportunity to submit a written statement of arguments within a designated period. However, this provision does not apply if the examiner intends to make a decision of rejection under Article 51(1) as applied under Article 47(1)(ii).


Article 47 Amendment of Patent Application
(1) An applicant may amend the description or drawing(s) attached to a patent application before the examiner issues a certified copy of a decision to grant a patent under Article 66. However, in the following circumstances, if the applicant makes an amendment, the amendment must be made within the periods designated in the following subparagraphs:
(i) where an applicant first receives notification of the reasons for refusal under Article 63 (referred to as "a notice of the reasons for refusal") or receives a notice of the reasons for refusal that does not apply under paragraph (ii), the period is that designated for submitting arguments against the notice of the reasons for refusal;
(ii) where an applicant receives a notice of the reasons for refusing an amendment made in response to a notice of the reasons for refusal issued under paragraph (i), the period is that designated for submitting arguments in response to the notice; or
(iii) where an applicant requests a trial against a decision to refuse a patent under Article 132ter, the period is thirty days after the filing date of the request.
(2) An amendment to a description or drawing(s) under paragraph (1) must be within the scope of the features disclosed in the description or drawing(s) originally attached to the application.
(3) An amendment to the claim(s) made under paragraphs (1)(ii) and (iii) must be limited to the scope prescribed in any of the following subparagraphs, and where an amendment is made under subparagraph (iii), it must be limited to the scope indicated by the examiner in the notice of the reasons for refusal:
(i) to narrow a claim;
(ii) to correct a clerical error; or
(iii) to clarify an ambiguous description.
(4) An amendment made within the period designated in paragraph 1(ii) and (iii) must meet the following requirements:
(i) an amendment to a description or drawing(s) must neither substantially expand nor modify the scope of the claim(s); and
(ii) the matters described in the claim(s) after an amendment must have been patentable when the patent application was filed.



