2013年7月8日 星期一

各國「單一性」,重溫美國37 CFR 1.141

常想跟客戶/申請人報告「限制選擇」是個十分正常的Office Action,而不是一種核駁理由,但是仍難避免被抱怨就是了!

其實大約就是美國專利審查程序中會先判斷「是否符合37 CFR 1.141/1.142」規定,並先發出限制要求,或是選擇要求,之後才會根據申請人選擇的部份來審查,或是可能再有一次「限制選擇」。這樣的程序會有點「不舒服」。
如果在歐洲專利局、日本專利局等,則除了透過STF(special technical feature)判斷單一性外,同時還是會對第一組範圍進行檢索或有初步審查 ,其他不符單一性的部份需要多付費才會檢索。這樣至少會讓申請人比較容易接受,因為至少有接獲技術上的意見。
(可參考: http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/03/blog-post_12.html

這裡討論一下美國37 CFR §1.141
(b)權利範圍有三種類型,產品、製程與使用方法,若一件專利同時界定這三種類型的發明,當審查委員提出限制選擇時,僅能針對其中的製程與產品(can only be made where the process of making is distinct from the product)。而且,即便表明了產品與使用方法的區隔性,如果產品與製程並非可區隔(are not distinct),使用方法仍可以與產品與製程連結(may be joined)。

§1.141 Different inventions in one national application.
Two or more independent and distinct inventions may not be claimed in one national application, except that more than one species of an invention, not to exceed a reasonable number, may be specifically claimed in different claims in one national application, provided the application also includes an allowable claim generic to all the claimed species and all the claims to species in excess of one are written in dependent form (§ 1.75) or otherwise include all the limitations of the generic claim.
Where claims to all three categories, product, process of making, and process of use, are included in a national application, a three way requirement for restriction can only be made where the process of making is distinct from the product. If the process of making and the product are not distinct, the process of using may be joined with the claims directed to the product and the process of making the product even though a showing of distinctness between the product and process of using the product can be made.

在37 CFR §1.143的規定中,如果申請人不同意USPTO發出的限制要求,可以提出理由而要求重新考慮(reconsideration)並撤回或修改此限制選擇。
與一般瞭解的相同,即便提出這樣的請求(petition),仍需要在當下提出一個選擇,稱為暫時選擇(provisional election)。

§1.143 Reconsideration of requirement.
If the applicant disagrees with the requirement for restriction, he may request reconsideration and withdrawal or modification of the requirement, giving the reasons therefor. (See § 1.111.) In requesting reconsideration the applicant must indicate a provisional election of one invention for prosecution, which invention shall be the one elected in the event the requirement becomes final. The requirement for restriction will be reconsidered on such a request. If the requirement is repeated and made final the examiner will at the same time act on the claims to the invention elected.



