2013年11月5日 星期二



德國優先權的規定主要在專利法第40, 41條中,其他部份主要是提到優先權可以影響到新穎、進步性的引用文件適用,以及其他週邊規定。

(1) 優先權日期:於"最早"發明或新型申請案申請日後12個月內可以提出相同發明的申請案;
(2) 一件申請案可主張複數優先權;
(3) 僅已揭露於先前申請案中的發明內容才可享優先權;
(4) 後申請案提出後2個月內可主張優先權,且此時僅需提出前案申請號,也就是不見得僅能在申請時提出優先權主張;
(5) 國內優先權:先申請案於後申請案主張優先權時被撤銷;
(6) 應提出優先權証明文件。

(1) 根據國際公約,主張先前相同發明的申請案的優先權應提出先前申請案的副本,過期應不予受理;此條提到優先權日後16個月內應提出副本。

(7) 優先權可恢復。

. 後申請案可主張國內(專利法第40條)優先權或國外(專利法第41條)的先前申請案優先權;
. 主張優先權時,應指明先前申請案的資訊;
. 除非先前申請案已經主張其他優先權,否則於先前申請案提出後12個月內可提出後申請案,並可享有優先權;
. 可主張複數優先權;
. 申請案提出後兩個月內可以主張先前申請案優先權,要件是先申請案應揭露完整的後申請案發明內容;
. 欲主張國際優先權,該國應為巴黎公約所規範(Paris Convention) 的簽署國;
. 此處特別提到「台灣」,承認先申請案在台灣的優先權;
. 主張國際優先權時,申請人應於優先權日後16個月內提交日期、國別、專利相關編號的資訊

Section 40
(1) Within a period of 12 months from the filing date of an earlier patent or utility model application filed with the Patent Office, the applicant is entitled to a priority right with respect to the application for the same invention unless a domestic or foreign priority was already claimed for the earlier application.
(2) The priority of more than one application for a patent or utility model filed with the Patent Office may be claimed for the application.
(3) Priority may only be claimed for those features of the application which are clearly disclosed in the entirety of the application documents for the earlier application.
(4) Priority may only be claimed within two months of the filing date of the later application; the declaration of priority shall only be deemed to have been made if the file number of the earlier application is given.
(5) Where the earlier application is still pending before the Patent Office, it shall be deemed withdrawn at the time the declaration of priority is made under the provision of subsection (4). This shall not apply if the earlier application concerns a utility model.
(6) If inspection is requested (Section 31) of the file for a later application that claims the priority of an earlier patent or utility model application, the Patent Office shall include a copy of the earlier patent or utility model application in the file of the later application.

Section 41
(1) Any person who, in accordance with an international treaty, claims the priority of an earlier foreign application for the same invention shall, before the end of the sixteenth month following the priority date, state the date, country and file number of the earlier application and shall file a copy of the earlier application should such not have already been done. Particulars may be altered within this period. If the particulars are not provided in due time, the priority claim for the application shall be forfeited.
(2) Where the earlier foreign application has been filed in a state not party to an international treaty on the recognition of priority, the applicant may claim a right of priority corresponding to that under the Paris Convention, provided that, after publication by the
Federal Ministry of Justice in the Federal Law Gazette [Bundesgesetzblatt], the other state grants a right of priority on the basis of a first filing with the Patent Office, which is, according to its requirements and contents, comparable to that under the Paris Convention; subsection (1) shall be applicable.

Section 123
(7) Any person who, in Germany, has in good faith used the subject matter of an application which, as a result of reinstatement, claims the priority of an earlier foreign application (Section 41), in the period between the expiry of the 12-month time limit and the reentry
into force of the priority right, or has, within this period, made the necessary arrangements for such purpose, shall also be entitled in accordance with subsection (5).


