2013年12月31日 星期二


既前次報導hTC Android手機的USB功能侵權的判決後(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2013/12/androidusbnokia-v-htc.html),Nokia繼續以所擁有的NFC, Bluetooth通訊的歐洲專利主張hTC手機侵權,戰場在德國法院,這些非認定為基礎專利(SEP)的專利無法取得FRAND授權,因此若侵權確定,hTC的手機將無法進口德國。



1. A method of transferring resource related information from a first mobile wireless communication terminal (1a) to a second mobile wireless communication terminal (1b, 1c), said first and second terminals operating in a wireless communication network (50), wherein at least the first terminal is a client of a server (20) connected to an external network and also to the wireless communication network which includes the first and second terminals, comprising the steps of:

connecting the first terminal to the external network to contact a resource;

the first terminal negotiating a communication connection between the first and second terminals (這段似乎就是被解讀可以涵蓋NFC, BT等的近端連線); and

subsequently transferring information relating to the resource to the second terminal over the communication connection.

25. A mobile wireless communication terminal (1b) arranged to access an external network resource via a wireless communication network (50) and comprising a controller (18), characterised in that:

the controller is arranged to receive an input of resource related information from another mobile wireless communication terminal (1a), to negotiate a communication connection with the other terminal and subsequently to receive the resource related information over the communication connection.


後記,自Nokia在2012年全面向hTC提出專利訴訟後,顯然hTC面對這個"歷史巨人"因為產品失利而演變成Patent Troll的情況下難以提出有效的防備手段,但這個情況應該也會發生在其他手機廠商中。不過,在hTC與Nokia訴訟節節敗訴之時,Nokia與Google/MotorolaMobility,甚至是Apple都在談授權,顯然背後專利的強度以及利益關係是開戰前的最大考量,這時相較弱小的hTC就可能處於劣勢,而且Google想要幫忙總是慢了一點。


資料來源:FOSS Patents

