2014年1月14日 星期二


此篇是提到Nokia v. hTC的訴訟,涉及如何解釋專利範圍,法院顯然採用更嚴謹的態度,專利範圍解釋上的限制有:說明書所載技術思想、欲解決的問題(有關前案揭露),而並非僅以專利範圍的文義來解釋。



主要專利範圍如下,為運作手機(wireless user terminal)收發網路數據的方法,步驟中,手機先以儲存在「第一記憶體」內程式運作(第一電腦程式),自網路接收的資料則儲存於「第二記憶體」;當完成接收儲存於第二記憶體中的資料程式(第二電腦程式)後,即以此運作手機。也就是,原本手機運作於第一電腦程式,當由網路上接收另一第二電腦程式後,就以此為主要運作程式。

1. A method for operating a wireless user terminal (10) having a transceiver (14,16) for conducting bidirectional RF communications with a communications network (32), comprising the steps of:
operating the terminal (10) with a first computer program that is stored in a first memory (24b,運作於第一電腦程式);
the step of operating including a step of receiving a second computer program from the communications network (18) and storing the received second computer program into a second memory (24c); and
after the second computer program is stored in the second memory (24c,下載第二電腦程式), operating the terminal (10) with the second computer program (運作於第二電腦程式).

技術可參考下圖,這是個手機內電路,有個記憶體(24),收發器包括傳送與接收(14, 16),與天線(12),此圖表示的記憶體(24)為一個記憶區塊,但即便這樣畫,法院解讀此記憶體時,仍認為「第一記憶體」與「第二記憶體」為不同的兩個記憶體,說明書曾提到:『The mobile terminal 10 also includes various memories, shown collectively as the memory 24.』,多種記憶體表示成此區塊(24),圖示僅是一個示意圖!

下圖表示記憶體分別為不同種類的記憶體,此案說明書描述上述的記憶體(24)實施例包括有EEPROM, MEM1, MEM2。
The memory 24 is shown to include a non-volatile memory (NVM) 24a, such as an EEPROM.
The memory 24 also includes a first memory (MEM1) 24b and a second memory (MEM2) 24c.


  1. 本案專利名稱為:Method and apparatus for updating the software of a mobile terminal using the air interface(在打電話時更新軟體),可參考:http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/11/nokia-patent-in-suit-allows-users-to.html
  2. 專利說明書所要解決的問題是:下載軟體時,仍可維持與網路的連線,仍可打電話、發簡訊;
    [0028] It can be appreciated that during a program download the mobile terminal 10 can remain registered with the network, can continue to make and receive calls, can send and receive messages, and can otherwise operate in a normal fashion. That is, the code blocks may be sent to the mobile terminal 10 over an extended period of time, during which the mobile terminal 10 continues to operate out of the currently Active memory 24b or 24c. It is within the scope of this invention, when operating in this mode, that the code blocks may be transmitted to the mobile terminal 10 even during an ongoing voice call as a background task. For example, code blocks may be sent on a digital speech channel during pauses in a conversation. Of course, the proper signalling and protocol must be first established between the mobile terminal 10 and the BMI 32 to implement this feature.
  3. 法官或許用更嚴謹的方式解釋專利範圍,比如第一、第二記憶體為兩個分開的記憶體,因此認為hTC僅採用一個記憶體,侵權不成立;
  4. 法官解釋專利範圍時,無疑是參考了原說明書所揭露的技術思想與所欲解決的問題,特別是此專利說明書曾提到兩件美國專利前案:US5,297,191與US5,418,524,反映出本專利所解決的問題就是能夠在下載資料時,在有限的頻寬中仍可以接收電話與發話。

資料參考:FOSS Patents

