2014年2月13日 星期四





完成申請的要件主要是申請費與專利說明書(內容與一般要求,應包括摘要、背景技術、實施方式、至少一項權利範圍與圖式),其中權利範圍寫作上應以一句話原則撰寫,包括兩個部份(2 parts),前言部份應表明發明標的以及先前技術,第二部份(characterized in that)則表示發明特徵。


對於發明單一性(unity of invention)要求,若主張有兩個或以上的發明在一個申請案中,包括一個權利範圍卻有多個選項的發明,除非是在一個廣義發明概念下且具有一個以上的特別技術特徵(special technical feature, STF),否則違反發明單一性的要求。

申請後,先經過初步審查(preliminary examination),檢查必要文件以及申請人宣告的其他較早申請案,尋找欠缺的部份以及翻譯之必要通知等。

申請案提出後,應於申請日(或優先權日)後13個月內提出檢索要求(request for search report)。


若申請人希望專利局審查委員仍可以對其餘專利項提出審查報告,應在檢索與審查意見提出後2個月內繳費以提出補充檢索報告(supplementary search report)的要求。


(a) “All-local approach”
In the all-local approach, an applicant may request to undergo either a search-then-examination process or a combined search-and-examination process.
(b) “All-foreign approach”
In the all-foreign approach, the applicant furnishes the Registry of Patents the final search and examination results of a corresponding or corresponding international application. Under this approach, the applicant does not need to file a further search and examination request with the Registry of Patents in respect of the same invention.
(c) “Combination approach”
In the combination approach, the applicant files an examination request with the Registry of Patents relying on the search results of a corresponding or corresponding international application.

Unity of invention
25.—(1)  Without prejudice to the generality of section 25(5)(d), where 2 or more inventions are claimed (whether in separate claims or as alternatives within a single claim), such inventions shall be treated as being so linked as to form a single inventive concept only when there is a technical relationship among those inventions involving one or more of the same or corresponding special technical features.
(2)  In this rule, “special technical features” means those technical features which define a contribution which each of the claimed inventions, considered as a whole, makes over the prior art.

Search procedure where 2 or more inventions claimed
45.—(1)  If during the preparation of a report under section 29(2)(a) or (b) it appears that an application relates to 2 or more inventions, but they are not so linked as to form a single inventive concept, the search may be restricted to one in relation to the first invention specified in the claims of the application, and the Registrar shall notify the applicant of that fact.
(2)  If the applicant desires a search to be conducted in relation to a second or subsequent invention specified in the claims, he shall, within 2 months from the date of the Registrar’s notification referred to in paragraph (1), request on Patents Form 10 for a supplementary search report and pay the prescribed search fee for each invention in respect of which the search is to be made.


