2014年2月19日 星期三

CBM案例討論(CRS v. Frontline)

CBM(Covered Business Method review)為一種AIA法案實施後的異議制度之一,相關簡介如:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2011/09/iv.html

此例為CRS Advanced Technologies, Inc. v. Frontline Technologies, Inc.訴訟中的系爭專利,CBM案號為CBM2012-00005,可以在PTAB Trial網站上查詢。
其中訴願人引用前一陣子才作出的CAFC案例CLS Bank International v. Alice Corp.,可參考部落格文章:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2013/05/cafccls-bank-v-alice-corp.html


1. A computer-implemented substitute fulfillment system that identifies and secures substitute workers for a plurality of different organizations, comprising:
a central server that processes information associated with a plurality of different organizations;
a central database coupled to the central server, the central database including records that store substitute fulfillment data associated with each of the plurality of different organizations, wherein for each of the different organizations the fulfillment data includes worker records representing workers that may be absent from the organization and substitute worker records representing substitute workers that may be used to fill a position of an absent worker;
a plurality of local processors that are remote from the central server, each of the local processors being associated with one of the different organizations and having a separate local database coupled thereto, wherein each local database is associated with one of the different organizations and includes worker records representing workers that may be absent from the organization and substitute worker records representing substitute workers that may be used to fill a position of an absent worker;
wherein said organizations comprise one or more of schools, school districts, retail banks, branch offices of banks, convenience stores, manufacturing facilities, fire departments, police departments, hospitals, transportation departments, airlines and temporary worker agencies;
wherein the central database maintains each of the records on each local database in parallel with a corresponding record on the central database by periodically updating the records on the local databases in response to data changes on the central database, and wherein each local database maintains records on the central database in parallel with corresponding records on the local database by periodically updating the records on the central database in response to the data changes on the local database;
at least one telephone communication link coupled to the central server, wherein the telephone communication link provides information representing absent workers to the central server, the central server identifies one or more of the substitute workers in response to the information representing absent workers, and the central server communicates information representing positions to be filled to substitute workers via the telephone communication link or an Internet communication link and secures one or more substitute workers via the telephone communication link or the Internet link; and
wherein the central server periodically transmits reports that include absentee and substitute information to each of the different organizations via the telephone communication link or the Internet communication link.
CBM涉及的專利範圍有Claims 3, 6, 7, 16, 24, 33,專利在CBM程序中先由Frontline對第一次PTAB決定提出回應、聽證(hearing),在此最終決定中認定上述專利範圍不具專利性,不符美國專利法第101條規定的可專利標的。
This decision is a final written decision under 35 U.S.C. § 328(a) as to the patentability of the challenged claims. Based on the record presented, we hold that all the challenged claims, claims 3, 6, 7, 16, 24, and 33 of the ’151 patent, are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 101.

此案PTAB最終決定中提到本系爭專利也曾經遭遇單方再審(ex parte reexamination)的挑戰,而且時間點在美國最高法院作出Bilski判例之前,因此是否連結到有意義的硬體特徵的專利性判斷尚不明確,因此仍保有此專利有效性。



Bilski判例確實成為PTAB判斷此案是否有效的重要依據,判斷發明是否是抽象概念就是採用「machine-ortransformation test」判斷準則。PTAB更參考好幾件CAFC針對101相關議題的判決,透過專利是否併入有意義、有貢獻的技術特徵來判斷方法專利是否有效。

This is a final written decision of the Board under 35 U.S.C. § 328(a). We hold Frontline’s claims 3, 6, 7, 16, 24, and 33 to be unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 101. Specifically, the claims recite unpatentable abstract ideas, and the claims do not provide enough significant meaningful limitations to transform these abstract ideas into patent-eligible applications of these abstractions.



