2014年4月11日 星期五




...Apple is demanding the money for lost sales and royalties it says it suffered as a result of Samsung’s sale of more than 37 million smartphones and tablets between August 2011 and the end of 2013, the company told the court. ...

日前開始審理Apple v. Samsung的第二波訴訟,這件訴訟感覺上會讓使用開放原始碼的廠商有點擔心,因為開放原始碼的架構下,可以允許任何人改寫、補充、貢獻自己的程式,如果沒有查明來源,可能某個片段的程式產生侵權的疑慮時,就讓對手有切入的機會,甚至是專利侵權的議題。





不過此專利經過Ex Parte Reexamination後,部份權利範圍已經被駁回,即便Apple極力答辯,至少Claims 13, 15-31被認為沒有新穎性或是進步性。此案進入訴願程序。

此案其餘被提出re-examination的範圍Claims 1-12, 14, 32-34因為設有「analyzer server」,可以維持專利權。

目前Claim 1:
1. A computer-based system for detecting structures in data and performing actions on detected structures, comprising:
an input device for receiving data;
an output device for presenting the data;
a memory storing information including program routines including
an analyzer server for detecting structures in the data, and for linking actions to the detected structures;
a user interface enabling the selection of a detected structure and a linked action; and
an action processor for performing the selected action linked to the selected structure; and
a processing unit coupled to the input device, the output device, and the memory for controlling the execution of the program routines.


1. A method for locating information in a computer system, comprising the steps of:
inputting an information identifier;
providing said information identifier to a plurality of plug-in modules each using a different heuristic to locate information which matches said identifier;
providing at least one candidate item of information from said modules; and
displaying a representation of said candidate item of information


1. A machine implemented method comprising:
executing at least one user-level non-synchronization processing thread, wherein the at least one user-level non-synchronization processing thread is provided by a user application which provides a user interface to allow a user to access and edit structured data in a first store associated with a first database; and
executing at least one synchronization processing thread concurrently with the executing of the at least one user-level non-synchronization processing thread, wherein the at least one synchronization processing thread is provided by a synchronization software component which is configured to synchronize the structured data from the first database with the structured data from a second database.


1. A method, comprising:
at a portable electronic device with a touch screen display:
in a first area of the touch screen display, displaying a current character string being input by a user with the keyboard;
in a second area of the touch screen display that is between the first area and the keyboard, displaying the current character string or a portion thereof and a suggested replacement character string for the current character string on opposite sides of the second area;
replacing the current character string in the first area with the suggested replacement character string if the user activates a space bar key on the keyboard;
replacing the current character string in the first area with the suggested replacement character string if the user performs a first gesture on the suggested replacement character string displayed in the second area; and
keeping the current character string in the first area and adding a space if the user performs a second gesture in the second area on the current character string or the portion thereof displayed in the second area.

很棒的參考:Apple v. Samsung的訴訟整理



