2014年5月16日 星期五


答辯過程修正並未影響均等論的適用 - 案例Two-Way Media v. AT&T, SA-09-c-476 (W.D. Tx. 2013)。最近在研究訴訟案,涉及均等論適用而判決侵權以及相關損害賠償,這件案例Two-Way Media v. AT&T大約就是這件事。

在很多科技趨勢預言看到,「電視」將是未來的重心,電視的定義可能很廣,但是最好的表示大約就是一個連接網路取得數位內容的大螢幕設備。電視遊樂器除了需要購買遊戲主機、購買遊戲光碟或是自雲端下載,這樣的主機也可能與電視整合為一,英國雙向媒體(Two-Way Media)就是看好這個趨勢而提供獻上電視遊戲的公司,去年它對上AT&T,向AT&T提出侵權訴訟,一群系爭專利為:US5778187US5983005US6434622 ; US7080153 ; US7266686

此侵權訴訟其實早於2009就在進行,不過當時是在另一個德州的地方法院進行(United States District Court, S.D. Texas, Corpus Christi Division.June 8, 2009.),不過後來接受AT&T轉案到Western District of Texas。


1. A method for transmitting message packets over a communications network comprising the steps of:
converting a plurality of streams of audio and/or visual information into a plurality of streams of addressed digital packets complying with the specifications of a network communication protocol,
for each stream, routing such stream to one or more users,
controlling the routing of the stream of packets in response to selection signals received from the users, and
monitoring the reception of packets by the users and accumulating records that indicate which streams of packets were received by which users, wherein at least one stream of packets comprises an audio and/or visual selection and the records that are accumulated indicate the time that a user starts receiving the audio and/or visual selection and the time that the user stops receiving the audio and/or visual selection.



經地院陪審團判決侵權成立(適用均等論),判AT&T等相關公司在網際網路上播送影音內容的技術侵權,並賠償Two-Way Media的損害2千7百萬美金。侵權判決中,認為被告技術均等(doctrine of equivalents)落入兩件專利(如上187案與005案)中的7項範圍。

在專利審查過程,面臨了 新穎性與進步性的阻礙,因此修改權利範圍,同時也新增了不少項次。

根據修正,對照以上列出的187案的請求項1,就是補入了最後一段:"wherein at least one stream of packets comprises an audio and/or visual selection and the records that are accumulated indicate the time that a user starts receiving the audio and/or visual selection and the time that the user stops receiving the audio and/or visual selection",當監控影音資料下載與記錄累積量的步驟中,此段落即描述其中指出的時間參數。
Claim 1
Claim 19
Claim 33




註:均等論的適用為被告侵權物並不落入系爭專利權利範圍的文意讀取(literally read on)中,顯然兩者有差異,但此差異透過判斷功能、手段與結果為實質相等,仍因為技術均等而被認定侵權成立。

一句話可以表示均等論的判斷:Whether the differences between the structure specified in a claim and the corresponding structure in an unauthorized product are insubstantial is frequently determined by considering whether these structures perform substantially the same function in substantially the same way to accomplish substantially the same result.

資料參考:patently-o, http://www.hpcllp.com


