2014年8月4日 星期一


BOSE對BEATS提出侵權告訴 - 專利佈局、技術與產品討論。






主動式耳機降噪的技術有多種,基本原理就是在耳機上設計一個環境麥克風接收環境聲音(多數為噪音),有個數位處理器,可以將音訊減掉環境噪音的訊號,使得聽者的耳朵接收到的音訊已經將環境噪音減除了,可以純淨音訊。主動式降噪。從告訴書可知,BOSE近年來著重在降噪的技術,已經獲得22件美國專利,以及14件審理中的專利申請案,應該也包括自外部購入的專利,市場上的BOSE QC20產品就是實現這些專利技術的產品系列。

BOSE QC20(http://www.bose.com/


這次在ITC與地院的告訴中,BOSE提出5件專利,從這些專利就可以看到現在降噪的主要技術趨勢,系爭專利包括:6,717,537; 8,073,150; 8,073,151; 8,054,992; 8,345,888


這是Bose在2009年自Sonic Innovations Inc.購買的專利,關於一種降低數位處理系統延遲的技術,其中就提到這是一種應用在主動式降噪的裝置上的技術,技術主要是透過反饋技術取得調整採樣率的調整基礎,先提出較高採樣率的delta-sigma modulator調變器,以及取得delta-sigma modulator反饋的採樣率調整。
1. A digital closed feedback loop having an input, an output, a first summation node, and a second summation node, wherein a processed digital input signal is fed to a first input of the first summation node, the processed digital input signal has an intermediate sampling rate, and a disturbance signal is fed to a first input of the second summation node, the digital closed feedback loop comprising:
a compensation filter having an input coupled to an output of the first summation node;
a digital-to-analog converter having an input coupled to an output of the compensation filter;
an output transducer having an input coupled to an output of the digital-to-analog converter and having an output coupled to a second input of the second summation node;
an input transducer having an input coupled to an output of the second summation node;
a delta-sigma modulator having an input coupled to an output of the input transducer, wherein the output signal of the delta-sigma modulator has a first sampling rate that is higher than the intermediate sampling rate; and
a feedback sampling-rate converter having an input coupled to an output of the delt-asigma modulator and having an output coupled to a second input of the first summation node, wherein the output signal of the delta-sigma modulator is down-sampled from the first sampling rate to the intermediate sampling rate.
1. A method of operating a dynamically configurable ANR circuit to provide ANR in an earpiece of a personal ANR device, the method comprising:
incorporating a first ADC of the ANR circuit, a first plurality of digital filters of a quantity specified by a first set of ANR settings, and a DAC of the ANR circuit into a first pathway;
incorporating a second ADC of the ANR circuit, a second plurality of digital filters of a quantity specified by the first set of ANR settings, and the DAC into a second pathway;
selecting a type of digital filter specified by the first set of ANR settings for each digital filter of the first and second pluralities of digital filters from among a plurality of types of digital filter supported by the ANR circuit;
adopting a signal processing topology specified by the first set of ANR settings by configuring interconnections among at least the first and second ADCs, the first and second pluralities of digital filters and the DAC so that digital data representing sounds flows through the first pathway from the first ADC to the DAC through at least the first plurality of digital filters; digital data representing sounds flows through the second pathway from the second ADC to the DAC through at least the second plurality of digital filters; and the first and second pathways are combined at a first location along the first pathway and at a second location along the second pathway such that the digital data from both the first and second pathways are combined before flowing to the DAC;
configuring each digital filter of the first and second pluralities of digital filters with filter coefficients specified by the first set of ANR settings;
setting a data transfer rate at which digital data flows through at least a portion of at least one of the first and second pathways as specified by the first ANR settings;
operating the first and second ADCs, the first and second pluralities of digital filters and the DAC to provide ANR in the earpiece; and
changing an ANR setting specified by the first set of ANR settings to an ANR setting specified by a second set of ANR settings in synchronization with a transfer of digital data along at least a portion of at least one of the first and second pathways.


1. A feedback circuit for an active noise reduction headphone comprising: an acoustic block characterized by a first magnitude frequency response; a compensator characterized by a second magnitude frequency response to combine the second magnitude frequency response with the first magnitude frequency response to provide a combined magnitude frequency response, wherein the second magnitude frequency response is characterized by a first pattern that has a positive slope at a frequency interval in the spectral portion above 10 kHz so that the phase shift of the combined magnitude frequency response of the feedback circuit at frequencies in the audible range of frequencies is less than the phase shift of the combined magnitude frequency response of the feedback circuit in the audible range of frequencies wherein the second magnitude frequency response characterized by a second pattern that does not have a positive slope in the spectral portion above 10 kHz.


1. A method of implementing a high-frequency phase compensation transform in a signal processing pathway of a circuit providing active noise reduction (ANR) circuit in a first range of frequencies in a personal ANR device, the method comprising:
programming a digital filter having at least one tap with at least one coefficient to cause the digital filter to employ the at least one tap to introduce at least one zero to introduce a positive phase in the pathway in at least the first range of frequencies; and
selecting the at least one coefficient to cause the addition of a gain that increases with frequency within a second range of audible frequencies outside of the first range of frequencies and that flattens in a range of frequencies above the second range of audible frequencies.
被告侵權產品為BEATS的「Studio®、Studio® Wireless」產品線(截圖來自:http://www.beatsbydre.com):

就技術來看,Beats應該有不少技術是來自別人的,包括Bose, 所以侵權官司免不了,甚至侵權應該成立,而最後應該會是和解結束,並且Beats漲價之類的。



