2014年10月1日 星期三


當討論歐洲與美國的軟體專利態度時,一般會認為美國應該有較寬廣的態度,而歐洲為了要杜絕美國強大的軟體實力影響歐洲競爭力,應該會趨於保守。但美國最高法院在Alice v. CLS Bank的判決看出美國法院對於軟體專利的態度將趨於保守:純軟體更難取得專利。

  1. 先判斷權利範圍所界定的發明是否涉及法定非可專利的抽象概念(patent-ineligible abstract idea),是否排除了自然律、自然現象或抽象概念;
  2. 接著判斷是否僅採用了一般目的的電腦(generic computer)執行該抽象概念(一般來說是方法請求項)。

在歐洲,僅排除軟體本身(software as such)為可專利的標的。
根據EPC Art. 52,除了純發現、科學原理、數學方法、美術創造、執行人類活動的方法與規則、遊戲、商業活動、電腦程式、資訊表示外,其他如果有新而具有進步性的技術為可專利標的。

歐洲的訴願委員會(BoA)態度為,只要有技術特點(technical character,或說足以與先前技術區隔的進一步技術特點),即便相關的技術手段採用了電腦(形式上),為可專利標的。

兩相比對之下,對於一般認知的「抽象概念、軟體方法」,歐洲專利僅要「形式上」與電腦連結就可以為可專利標的,而美國則是連結到有意義的裝置才為可專利標的。不過實務上,終究解決了特定問題的技術手段應該都不會排除可專利性 (正確的說法是專利適格性,clarified,updated on Aug. 3, 2023),多半專利審委員都還是會技術審查,不符35USC101的核駁理由一般來說不難解決,只是要花一番唇舌就是了。

Patentability of computer programs
根據歐洲訴願委員會形成的T 935/97與T 1173/97判例(Case Law of the Boards of Appeal, of the European Patent Office),其中,涉及電腦程式的發明,並非所有的電腦軟體都是被排除可專利的程式本身(computer programs as such)。根據訴願委員會的決議,電腦軟體產品如果執行或載於電腦中,且產生超越程式與硬體間物理交互作用的技術效果,並不排除其可專利性。(舉例來說,儲存於光碟中的電腦程式就是電腦程式與硬體的物理交互作用,這樣並不排除其可專利性,條件是具有技術性就能超越一般物理性交互作用amended on June 10, 2015

"The board held that a computer program product is not excluded from patentability under Art. 52(2) and (3) EPC 1973 if the program, when running on a computer or loaded into a computer, brings about, or is capable of bringing about, a technical effect which goes beyond the "normal" physical interactions between the program (software) and the computer (hardware) on which it is run."

"The board stated that, according to the case law of the boards of appeal, a claim directed to the use of a computer program for the solution of a technical problem could not be regarded as seeking protection for the program as such within the meaning of Art."

"In other words the fact that only patent applications relating to programs for computers as such were excluded from patentability meant that patentability could be allowed for patent applications relating to programs for computers where the latter were not considered to be programs for computers as such."

Further effects of programs for computers
歐洲訴願委員會進一步表示,如果電腦程式本身具有「技術特點(technical character)」,則視為可專利標的。在判斷電腦程式是否有技術特點時,委員會會先假設電腦程式是沒有技術特點的,也就是電腦程式執行後並不會引起物理上的改變,但是會產生一種「技術效果(effect)」,此技術效果就是執行電腦程式產生的改變。
"According to the above, having technical character meant not being excluded from patentability under the "as such" provision pursuant to Art. 52(3) EPC 1973. The board held that a computer program product having the potential to cause a predetermined further technical effect was, in principle, not excluded from patentability under Art. 52(2) and (3) EPC 1973. Consequently, computer program products were not excluded from patentability under all circumstances."

不過,執行電腦程式所帶來的效果或是一種技術特點,這樣只是一般電腦程式的一般特徵(僅跑在一般電腦上的程式就是一般技術效果),因此需要「更多的技術效果(further technical effect)」,也就是要得到比一般電腦程式更多的技術效果,這樣就使得軟體專利不排除為可專利標的。



