2014年11月18日 星期二




羅浮宮(the Louvre):
羅浮宮(the Louvre) 的版權宣告(英文版,資料來自Intellectual Property wiki)內外拍攝照片並非是零版稅,如果這些博物館、金字塔(IM Pei’s Pyramid)為圖像的一小部份,可能是可以接受的,比如風景照片小部份涵蓋了羅浮宮。

"The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world. At its entrance sits a pyramid constructed by Ieoh Ming Pei.
As with most museums, no photographs of the exterior, interior or taken from the interior are suitable for Royalty-Free.
For Editorial content, imagery where the building and pyramid are a small portion of the content may be acceptable. Imagery where the entire building and/or pyramid are shown, or where either is the primary focus of the imagery should be avoided unless clearance can be obtained.
Images of the Louvre and IM Pei’s Pyramid may be acceptable as Rights-managed."
巴黎聖母院(Notre Dame de Paris):

巴黎聖母院(Notre Dame de Paris)則是表示這個大教堂建築物外觀影像是免版稅的,而內部影像需要被官方同意(資料來自Intellectual Property wiki)。

"Recognized as one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture, the cathedral construction began around 1160 under the order of Bishop Maurice de Sully, and construction would carry on in stages until all elements were completed in 1345.
Exterior shots are acceptable in royalty-free collections. Interior shots are not suitable for RF creative, but may be appropriate for RF editorial collections provided consent has been obtained.
Images of the cathedral may be acceptable in rights-managed collections."



