2014年11月27日 星期四

影響世界的專利 - 舉例保存音質的光碟




這裡先列舉光碟的發明,就此檔案來看,發明人為James Trussell,相關專利為US3501586,當時的動機時如何保存音質(類比轉數位儲存),我相信在此之前已經有錄音的技術,但是音質很差(類比訊號),這個專利動機是要保存「音質」。

1. A signal recording and playback system, comprising:
input means for generating electrical pulses which form a first digital coded electrical signal;
optical recorder means including a single light source supported in a fixed position and connected to said input means so that the pulses of said first digital signal are transmitted in series to said light source for producing a beam of light pulses which form a digital coded light signal corresponding to said first digital signal, and light beam deflection means for scanning said light pulses across a photographic record element supported in a fixed position to produce a photo record of said digital coded light signal in the form of a single series-recorded track of a plurality of small spots representing digital bits recorded at a high density;
optical playback means including at least one light detector supported in a fixed position and light deflection means for scanning the viewing field of said detector continuously along said track across the light image of said recorded spots, said viewing field being limited to approximately the size of one of said spots, for producing electrical pulses which form a second digital coded electrical signal corresponding to the digital light signal recorder on said photo record; and
output means connected to said light detector for transmitting substantially all of the pulses of said second digital signal from said detector through the same connection circuit to said output means.

US3314075 *1965年1月22日1967年4月11日Prec Instr CompanyCoherent light beam recorder(同調光記錄器)
US3324237 *1963年8月26日1967年6月6日Nat Res DevTelevision and like data transmission systems(電視與資料傳輸系統)
US3337718 *1964年1月2日1967年8月22日Xerox CorpLight scan recording and readout(光掃描記錄器)
US3365706 *1964年4月15日1968年1月23日Gilbert W. KingPhoto-optical data storage and retrieval system employing error detection and error location identification components(影像光記錄儲存與錯誤偵測與判斷技術)
US3370504 *1965年3月29日1968年2月27日Technical Operations IncHigh speed facsimile method and apparatus(高速傳真方法)
US3391247 *1964年1月3日1968年7月2日Minnesota Mining & MfgTelevision signal recording with sampled audio recorded during horizontal intervals(電視訊號與聲音記錄的技術)
US3422219 *1964年9月24日1969年1月14日Technical Operations IncHigh density data storage system(高密度儲存系統)






