2014年11月21日 星期五

Google與Rockstar和解 - 關聯式搜尋引擎技術

「Rockstar Consortium LP」為Apple Inc.與Microsoft Corp.的專利聯盟,其他主要成員還有Sony, Ericsson, RIM等,其中除了兩間公司貢獻的專利以外,多數來自過去的北美網絡(Notel Networks)的專利,看這樣的組合,顯然是針對Android陣營來的!


Rockstar當時對Google提告的相關專利有:US6,098,065; US7,236,969; US7,469,245; US7,672,970; US7,895,178; US7,895,183; US7,933,883


1. A method of searching for desired information within a data network, comprising the steps of:
receiving, from a user, a search request including a search argument corresponding to the desired information;
searching, based upon the received search argument and user profile data, a database of information to generate a search result; and
providing the search results to the user
wherein searching the database includes correlating, as a function of a fuzzy logic algorithm, the received search argument and user profile data to particular information in the database, and providing the particular information as the search results.

1. A method of providing advertisements to a user searching for desired information within a data network, comprising the steps of:
receiving, from the user, a search request including a search argument corresponding to the desired information;
searching, based upon the received search argument, a first database having data network related information to generate search results;
correlating the received search argument to a particular advertisement in a second database having advertisement related information; and
providing the search results together with the particular advertisement to the user.

1. A method for operating an advertising machine implemented on at least one computer to provide advertisements via a communications link to a data processing device of a user, the method comprising:
receiving user preference input from the data processing device via the communications link;
creating user preference data based upon the user preference input;
receiving from the data processing device via the communications link a search request that includes a search argument;
searching at least one database using the search argument to produce search results;
selecting at least one advertisement from an advertisement database relating to the search argument using the user preference data; and
transmitting the search results together with the at least one advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device.

1. An advertising machine implemented on at least one computer and operable to provide advertisements via a communications link to a data processing device of a user, the advertising machine comprising:
a communications interface operable to interface with the data processing device of the user via the communications link;
a database search engine operable to:
receive from the data processing device via the communications link a search request that includes a search argument; and
search at least one database using the search argument to produce search results;
an associative search engine operable to select at least one advertisement from an advertisement database based upon at least one of the search argument and the search results; and
the advertising machine operable to:
transmit the search results together with the at least one advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device;
receive a response from the data processing device via the communications link that indicates selection of an advertisement; and
based upon the advertisement selection, generate a fee record.

這件關聯式搜尋引擎從Notel直接取得,專利請求項1界定關聯式廣告發送的技術,同樣先取得搜尋請求,並得到關聯的廣告,一併提交給使用者端,接著再取得更細節的搜尋要求(receiving search refinement input),提供修改後的搜尋結果,因此提供不同的廣告。
1. A method for operating an advertising machine implemented on at least one computer to provide advertisements via a communications link to a data processing device of a user, the method comprising:
receiving from the data processing device via the communications link a search request that includes a search argument;
searching at least one database using the search argument to produce search results;
selecting at least one advertisement from an advertisement database relating to at least one of the search argument and the search results;
transmitting the search results together with the at least one advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device;
receiving search refinement input from the data processing device via the communications link;
producing modified search results based upon at least the search refinement input;
selecting at least one other advertisement from the advertisement database based upon at least one of the search refinement input and the modified search results; and
transmitting at least one of the modified search results and the at least one other advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device.

1. A method for operating an advertising machine implemented on at least one computer to provide advertisements via a communications link to a data processing device of a user, the method comprising:
receiving from the data processing device via the communications link a search request that includes a search argument;
searching at least one database using the search argument to produce search results;
selecting at least one advertisement from an advertisement database based upon at least one of the search argument and the search results; and
transmitting the search results together with the at least one advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device in a web page data format that causes the data processing device to display the search results in a first display portion of a display of the data processing device and to display the at least one advertisement in a second display portion of the display of the data processing device.

1. A method for operating an advertising machine implemented on at least one computer to provide advertisements via a communications link to a data processing device of a user, the method comprising:
creating user profile data for the user;
storing the user profile data;
receiving from the data processing device via the communications link a search request that includes a search argument;
searching at least one database having data network related information using the search argument to generate search results;
selecting at least one advertisement from an advertisement database relating to the search argument using the user profile data; and
transmitting the search results together with the at least one advertisement via the communications link to the data processing device.

自然Google並不會坐以待斃,立即於兩個月後進行反訴:declaratory judgment of non-infringement,(新聞:http://www.cnet.com/news/google-fights-back-against-rockstar-patent-group/),宣告不侵權,提出不侵權證明。




Notel Networks的專利佈局廣且深,值得探討與學習,甚至影響我們現在的生活!



Rockstar Consortium成功地贏了這回戰爭,顯然Notel專利確實是有用而具開創性的,因此如Cisco等公司也都在這類訴訟下認賠;但如Apple等公司,也正在遭遇一些"早期"專利的困擾,使得在創新上需要付出不少這類額外的成本。




