2014年11月10日 星期一

從商標爭議學習商標 - Yemen商標


根據葉門商標與地理標誌法的第5條規定,商標申請案與先前商標必須本質上具有差異(intrinsically distinguishable),哪一些不得註冊為商標:1.若商標申請案與已在先前註冊的商標一樣或是類似,會混淆市場上的產品與服務,不得註冊商標。

Article 5
A trademark must be intrinsically distinguishable from other marks. The following shall not be registered as trademarks:
1.Marks which match or resemble a mark previously recorded in the Register of Trademarks, as regards the products and services themselves or products and services closely associated with them, or which resemble them to a degree that may lead to ambiguity or confusion.
2.Marks which match or resemble a mark not previously registered but used by other parties in the Republic for products or services that are similar to a degree that may lead to ambiguity or confusion.


Article 22
Registration of a trademark brings the following consequences:
1.Protection of the mark for a period of ten years from the date of payment of the fees for filing the registration request. This protection is renewable for one or more similar periods if the holder so desires.
2.The holder's right to use the registered mark. The holder has exclusive right to prevent other parties who have not obtained his consent from making commercial use of matching or similar marks for goods or services that match or resemble the ones for which the trademark was registered, when such use could result in misleading or confusing the public.


Article 30
(a)The holder of a registered trademark may request the Registrar to cancel the registration of the mark from the Trademarks Register, for either all or some of the goods or services for which that mark was registered. The request for cancellation is to be presented in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated in the Regulations.
(b)All interested parties may request the Tribunal to rule that the registration of a trademark is invalid, if such registration was contrary to the provisions of this Act or to the Regulations. The competent Administration shall undertake to cancel the registration when presented with a definitive legal ruling to that effect.
(c)All interested parties may request the Tribunal to cancel a registered trademark if the holder of that mark ceases to use it for a period of at least five consecutive years. The Tribunal may accede to that request unless the holder of the trademark presents a justification for not using it.

第31條規定如果註冊商標因為未延展而被註銷, 相同商品或服務的其他人在註銷後3年內不得重新註冊。

Article 31
If the registration of a trademark is cancelled due to its not having been renewed, that mark may not be reregistered in the interests of another party for the same products or services, or for products or services resembling them, until three years have passed since the cancellation.

Arnet Pharmaceutical Corporation是個美國醫藥公司,於2012年11月在葉門共和國提出一個第五類商標申請案「SUN Natural & Design」,於2013年4月受理後(實際審查後)"公開",並在"公告"前給予3個月的異議時間。

這段時間另一葉門本地也是國際型的公司HAEL SAEED ANAAM AND CO提出異議,所提出的理由包括:
  • "SUN"在阿拉伯語為"Shams",而這是一個在葉門已經有的先前登記拉丁與阿拉伯字元的商標
  • 這個商標會從原本的產品誤導公眾而導致不公平競爭
  • 這有很大的機率會使得消費者混淆兩個商標的對應商品
  • 此商標登記違反葉門商標法與國際合約

  • 兩個商標在讀音與外觀並不相同
  • "SUN Natural & Design"與Shams為阿拉伯文與其英譯,兩者有不同的字詞元素
  • "SUN Natural"已經於2007在葉門行之有年,並沒有任何衝突



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