2014年12月15日 星期一



37C.F.R.1.152  Design drawings.
The design must be represented by a drawing that complies with the requirements of § 1.84 and must contain a sufficient number of views to constitute a complete disclosure of the appearance of the design. Appropriate and adequate surface shading should be used to show the character or contour of the surfaces represented. Solid black surface shading is not permitted except when used to represent the color black as well as color contrast. Broken lines may be used to show visible environmental structure, but may not be used to show hidden planes and surfaces that cannot be seen through opaque materials. Alternate positions of a design component, illustrated by full and broken lines in the same view are not permitted in a design drawing. Photographs and ink drawings are not permitted to be combined as formal drawings in one application. Photographs submitted in lieu of ink drawings in design patent applications must not disclose environmental structure but must be limited to the design claimed for the article.

設計專利的圖示應符合「37 CFR 1.84: Standards for drawings」規定,應包括足夠數量揭露設計的圖式,應以適當的表面陰影表示表面的材質與輪廓,除非表示黑色以外,不能用整面黑表示表面,虛線可以表示環境結構(不主張範圍),但不能用來表示從外部看不到的隱藏的面。如果使用手繪圖,不能與工業圖混用。

MPEP 1503.02: Drawing
15.05.04    Replacement Drawing Sheets Required
Corrected drawing sheets in compliance with 37 CFR 1.121(d) are required in reply to the Office action to avoid abandonment of the application. Any amended replacement drawing sheet should include all of the figures appearing on the immediate prior version of the sheet, even if only one figure is being amended. The figure or figure number of an amended drawing should not be labeled as amended. If a drawing figure is to be canceled, the appropriate figure must be removed from the replacement sheet, and where necessary, the remaining figures must be renumbered and appropriate changes made to the brief description of the several views of the drawings for consistency. Additional replacement sheets may be necessary to show the renumbering of the remaining figures. If all the figures on a drawing sheet are canceled, a replacement sheet is not required. A marked-up copy of the drawing sheet (labeled as “Annotated Sheet”) including an annotation showing that all the figures on that drawing sheet have been canceled must be presented in the amendment or remarks section that explains the change to the drawings. Each drawing sheet submitted after the filing date of an application must be labeled in the top margin as either "Replacement Sheet" or "New Sheet" pursuant to 37 CFR 1.121(d) . If the changes are not accepted by the examiner, the applicant will be notified and informed of any required corrective action in the next Office action.

MPEP1503.02中"15.05.04"段規定設計案圖示修改的替換頁(replacement sheet)
設計專利答辯時修正應符合「37 CFR 1.121(d)」規定,修正替代的圖示應包括所有先前版本(如申請時版本)的圖,即便只改一張圖。如果刪了圖,修正替換頁應該就沒有刪掉的圖,如果有必要,其餘圖式應該重新編號,並適當地簡述在修正說明書中(remarks)。有需要的話,應附上額外重新編號的替換頁。刪掉的圖並不用附在替換頁中。



