2014年12月19日 星期五

DNA結構的可以或不可專利性,再確定一次 - Myriad v. Ambry (Fed. Cir. 2014)案例

案例討論AMP v. Myriad (2013)先前美國最高法院報導可參見:


有人就是會看到商機,看到某些基因改造的方式不可專利,就投入市場,比如這回的主角AMBRY Genetics Corp.,開始做起"BRCA"基因測試的生意。(投入市場前還是要看一下對手的「其他專利」或是「相同專利的其他專利範圍」,專利佈局"數量"有時很重要,武器不嫌多)


US5,753,441 (claims 7 & 8,前次未主張)

Claim 1為主張範圍的基礎,界定一種篩選人類改變的BRCA1基因的方法,也就是透過比對身體組織內BRCA1基因的生殖細胞系序列,或BRCA1核糖核酸,與BRCA1 cDNA的方式找到BRCA1基因的變異。Claims 7, 8分別界定出不同的比對基礎。
1. A method for screening germline of a human subject for an alteration of a BRCA1 gene which comprises comparing germline sequence of a BRCA1 gene or BRCA1 RNA from a tissue sample from said subject or a sequence of BRCA1 cDNA made from mRNA from said sample with germline sequences of wild-type BRCA1 gene, wild-type BRCA1 RNA or wild-type BRCA1 cDNA, wherein a difference in the sequence of the BRCA1 gene, BRCA1 RNA or BRCA1 cDNA of the subject from wild-type indicates an alteration in the BRCA1 gene in said subject.

7. The method of claim 1 wherein a germline nucleic acid sequence is compared by hybridizing a BRCA1 gene probe which specifically hybridizes to a BRCA1 allele to genomic DNA isolated from said sample and detecting the presence of a hybridization product wherein a presence of said product indicates the presence of said allele in the subject.

8. The method of claim 1 wherein a germline nucleic acid sequence is compared by amplifying all or part of a BRCA1 gene from said sample using a set of primers to produce amplified nucleic acids and sequencing the amplified nucleic acids.

US5,747,282 (claims 16 & 17,前次系爭之一,前次主張claims 1, 2, 5, 6),主張權利範圍界定一對單鏈DNA引物用,根據聚合酶鏈反應判定BRCA1基因序列。
16. A pair of single-stranded DNA primers for determination of a nuycleotide sequence of a BRCA1 gene by a polymerase chin reaction, the sequence of said primers being derived from human chromosomne 17q, wherein the use of said primers in a polymerase chain reaction results in the synthesis of DNA having all or part of the sequence of the BRCA1 gene.

US5,837,492 (claims 29 & 30,前次系爭之一,前次主張claims 1, 6),主張範圍同樣涉及一對單鏈DNA引物用,但目的不同,根據聚合酶鏈反應以判定BRCA2基因序列。
29. A pair of single-stranded DNA primers of at least 15 nucleotides in length for determination of the nucleotide sequence of a BRCA2 gene by a polymerase chain reaction, the sequence of said primers being isolated from human chromosome 13, wherein the use of said primers in a polymerase chain reaction results in the synthesis of DNA comprising all or at least 15 contiguous nucleotides of the BRCA2 gene.



其中有個關鍵元件,就是在實驗室合成的人工物:DNA引物(primer),CAFC法官認為此次主張的DNA引物與前次不可專利的分離DNA(isolated DNA)無法區隔,也非如前次裁定可專利的cDNA。

裁定過程採用了幾天前才作出的101可專利標的兩階段測試(two-step test),可參考本部落格文章在:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/12/uspto-two-step-test.html

判斷的過程包括,判斷專利標的是否涉及抽象概念(abstract idea),再判斷專利範圍中是否具有結合了具有可專利特性的元件(non-patent-ineligible),是否轉換(transformation)自然產物成為可專利的應用(是否包括具有專利貢獻的元件)?


"Claim 17 of the ’282 patent and claims 29 and 30 of the ’492 patent are similar to claim 16 of the ’282 patent."






