2014年12月10日 星期三

用外國侵權決定證明在美國侵權成立? - Quad/Tech v. Q.I. Press Controls (Fed. Cir. 2011)案例討論



Q.I. Press Controls的創辦人曾經是QuadTech的員工。Quad/Tech握有美國專利US5,412,577,這是有關印刷色彩系統的技術,特別的是,在德國也有對應專利的訴訟,結果是「侵權成立」,被告Q.I. Press Controls被判侵權,且遭致永久禁制令。



1. A system for generating a signal representative of color registration offset between at least first and second colors of an image printed on a web, where a first printing unit prints the first color of the image and a second printing unit prints the second color of the image, the system comprising:
a memory disposed to store a first reference array of digital data representative of a predetermined color density of the first color of at least a portion of the image and a second reference array of digital data representative of a predetermined color density of the second color of the portion;
an imaging device in optical communication with the web to produce a first analog signal representative of the first color of the portion of the image and a second analog signal representative of the second color of the portion;
a converter circuit, operatively associated with the imaging device and memory, which converts the first analog signal to a first color array of digital data, and converts the second analog signal to a second color array of digital data, where the first and second color arrays are stored in the memory; and
a processing circuit in communication with the converter circuit and the memory, the processing circuit further comprising a density conversion circuit which converts the first color array of digital data into a first density array of digital data representative of the color density of the first color and converts the second color array of digital data into a second density array of digital data representative of the color density of the second color, where the processing circuit compares the first reference array with the first density array and compares the second reference array with the second density array to determine a registration offset between the first and second colors and produces a signal representative the registration offset between the colors.


在地方法院,其實專利權人Quad/Tech曾要求法官與陪審團參考被告Q.I.在德國接受法院判決侵權成立的結果,但地方法院否決,理由是:專利權人並未提供足夠的德國法院判決的證據(證據不足),以及外國專利判斷與美國專利相關訴訟無關。地方法院裁決時也引用了過去的判決:Medtronic, Inc. v. Daig Corp., 789 F.2d 903 (Fed.Cir.1986)。




  1. 侵權訴訟中,雙方都會想盡辦法,包括取得相關專利其他有利證據,包括外國訴訟結果
  2. 這類是否依循外國判決的訴訟似乎沒有標準,有些時候是證據問題,有些時候是法律問題,也有可能是法官的認知問題
  3. 這件專利訴訟的結果顯然是因為"十分嚴格地"理解專利說明書對每個用語的定義而作出的侵權不成立決定,使得專利權人主張的侵權與初步禁制令都受到嚴格的審視
  4. 在此例地方法院的判決文中,很大的篇幅是在解釋專利範圍,逐字逐段地理解,包括引用專利說明書的背景與實施例,還包括申請人自己在說明書中提到的優缺點,這點真是讓專利寫作的人很大的壓力!比如以下節錄內容:



