2015年1月28日 星期三

如何讓審查委員撤回Final Office Action


Final Office Action,中文翻為最終核駁,看來是最後的審定,雖然可以用RCE延續審查程序,不過就一般審查過程來看(通常是費用考量),已經是最後一搏。


但是,面對Final Office Action,如果要繼續審查,一般會採用RCE,費用不低;其他措施可參考:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2008/12/final-oa.html

但讓審查委員撤回Final Rejection是有可能的。
根據MPEP 706.07(e) Withdrawal of Final Rejection, General

首先討論到的是接獲終駁意見(final office action,包括審查程序終駁,再審程序終駁)之後的修正規定:


MPEP 706.07(e)規定中,如果申請人提出新的事實或理由而說服審查委員前次核駁範圍應該是可核准的(previously rejected claims are in fact allowable or patentable ),特別是在再審程序中,審查委員應撤回終駁。



終駁之後,在提出訴願理由(appeal brief)後,如果SPE(supervisory patent examiner)同意可撤銷終駁!

706.07(e)   Withdrawal of Final Rejection, General

See MPEP § 714.12 and § 714.13 for amendments after final rejection.

Once a final rejection that is not premature has been entered in an application/reexamination proceeding, it should not be withdrawn at the applicant’s or patent owner’s request except on a showing under 37 CFR 1.116(b). Further amendment or argument will be considered in certain instances. An amendment that will place the application either in condition for allowance or in better form for appeal may be admitted. Also, amendments complying with objections or requirements as to form are to be permitted after final action in accordance with 37 CFR 1.116(a).

The examiner may withdraw the rejection of finally rejected claims. If new facts or reasons are presented such as to convince the examiner that the previously rejected claims are in fact allowable or patentable in the case of reexamination, then the final rejection should be withdrawn. Occasionally, the finality of a rejection may be withdrawn in order to apply a new ground of rejection.

Although it is permissible to withdraw a final rejection for the purpose of entering a new ground of rejection, this practice is to be limited to situations where a new reference either fully meets at least one claim or meets it except for differences which are shown to be completely obvious. Normally, the previous rejection should be withdrawn with respect to the claim or claims involved. See MPEP § 1207.03 for a discussion of what may constitute a new ground of rejection.

The practice should not be used for application of subsidiary references, or of cumulative references, or of references which are merely considered to be better than those of record.

When a final rejection is withdrawn, all amendments filed after the final rejection are ordinarily entered.

New grounds of rejection made in an Office action reopening prosecution after the filing of an appeal brief require the approval of the supervisory patent examiner. See MPEP § 1002.02(d).


