2015年1月9日 星期五



Chapter I

Chapter II
(4)當申請人對國際初步審查局(IPEA)提出國際初步審查要求。前述檢索局的書面意見(WO/ISA)可視為第一次初步審查局的意見(WO/IPEA),除非IPEA要提出另一份,此時申請人可以提出修正與答辯(amendments and/or arguments)
RO receiving Office
IB International Bureau
ISA International Searching Authority
IPEA International Preliminary Examining Authority
DO designated Office
EO elected Office
IA international application
ISR international search report
WO/ISA written opinion of the ISA
WO/IPEA written opinion of the IPEA
IPE international preliminary examination
IPRP international preliminary report on patentability
IPER international preliminary examination report

國際申請案的國際初步審查(international preliminary examination)依照申請人提出而執行,指定的審查局(IPEA)將進行工業利用性、新穎性與進步性的審查。

國際階段(international phase):
只能在提出國際初步審查要求(international preliminary examination)時提出修正說明書,或是在初步審查過程中經過請求同意後修正。


國家階段(national phase):
進入指定國後,依照該國修正規定,通常進入時可以提出初步修正(preliminary amendment)。


Article 19
Amendment of the Claims Before the International Bureau
(1) The applicant shall, after having received the international search report, be entitled to one opportunity to amend the claims of the international application by filing amendments with the International Bureau within the prescribed time limit. He may, at the same time, file a brief statement, as provided in the Regulations, explaining the amendments and indicating any impact that such amendments might have on the description and the drawings.
(2) The amendments shall not go beyond the disclosure in the international application as filed.
(3) If the national law of any designated State permits amendments to go beyond the said disclosure, failure to comply with paragraph (2) shall have no consequence in that State.


Article 34
Procedure Before the International Preliminary Examining Authority
(2)(b) The applicant shall have a right to amend the claims, the description, and the drawings, in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time limit, before the international preliminary examination report is established. The amendment shall not go beyond the disclosure in the international application as filed.

PCT Art.28規範國際申請案進入國家階段時請求項範圍、說明書與圖式的修正時機:

Article 28
Amendment of the Claims, the Description, and the Drawings, Before Designated Offices
(1)  The applicant shall be given the opportunity to amend the claims, the description, and the drawings, before each designated Office within the prescribed time limit. No designated Office shall grant a patent, or refuse the grant of a patent, before such time limit has expired except with the express consent of the applicant.
(2)  The amendments shall not go beyond the disclosure in the international application as filed unless the national law of the designated State permits them to go beyond the said disclosure.
(3)  The amendments shall be in accordance with the national law of the designated State in all respects not provided for in this Treaty and the Regulations.
(4)  Where the designated Office requires a translation of the international application, the amendments shall be in the language of the translation.




