2015年2月15日 星期日




Flipboard, Inc.的專利佈局也不少,只是到現在為止就三件美國核准專利,這裡涉及純軟體專利的寫法,可以拿來學習。

US8,935,629 Systems and methods for flipping through content(翻頁的技術)

Claim 1:
1. A method, implemented in a device having touch hardware, for enabling a user to flip through a plurality of pages, the method comprising: 

receiving a plurality of gesture inputs via the touch hardware within a predetermined period of time; and 

executing a flip transition animation in response to each received gesture input, 
wherein execution of each transition animation sends a page inflight along a flight path, each page comprising first and second halves separated by an axis, 
wherein a half of an inflight page is mated to a half of the different page, as the inflight page progresses along the flight path, the mated halves of the inflight page and the different page flip about the axis, and a position of the mated halves within the flight path dictates viewable portions of the inflight page and the different page, 
wherein the viewable portions of the inflight page and the different page change as the inflight page progresses along the flight path, and wherein the predetermined period of time is such that at least two pages are simultaneously inflight


請求項1如果要講tied to machine,大約僅有觸控硬體與接收到手勢輸入的隱含訊號處理,整體來看,有點像是蘋果軟體專利的描述方式,強調使用者使用經驗。

US8,872,855 Adjusting orientation of content regions in a page layout(內容自動轉向的技術)
Claim 1:
1. A method of adjusting the orientation of content regions in a page layout, the method comprising: 

selecting a page template from a plurality of page templates, each page template including one or more slots specifying spatial positioning of content regions relative to each other

displaying content in a plurality of the content regions of the page template in a first orientation on a display of a client device; 

identifying a reference point of the display of the client device; 

responsive to a rotation of the display of the client device from the first orientation to a second orientation, determining positions of the content regions of the page template in the second orientation relative to each other so that the plurality of content regions are presented having locations in the second orientation matching positions of the content regions in the first orientation relative to each other based on the reference point; 

counter-rotating the content within the plurality of content regions to offset the rotation of the display and to maintain a constant orientation of the content within each content region with respect to the reference point; 

modifying one or more dimensions of a content region based on the rotation of the display of the client device from the first orientation to the second orientation; 

modifying a layout of the content presented in the content region based on the modified one or more dimensions of the content region; and 

displaying content in the plurality of content regions of the page template in the second orientation based on the determined positions of content regions of the page template in the second orientation relative to each other, the displayed content including the modified content presented in the content region having the modified one or more dimensions. 


US8,788,925 Authorized syndicated descriptions of linked web content displayed with links in user-generated content(觀看時自動連結原始網頁取得內容的技術)
Claim 1:
1. A method executed by a processor for obtaining a corpus of authorized syndicated descriptions of web content, the method comprising: 

obtaining items from a plurality of feeds from one or more sources, each item comprising a link to a content page and a description of content included in the content page; 

for each of one or more items from one or more of the feeds, accessing the content page associated with a link included in an item

analyzing metadata associated with the accessed content page to identify an indication of a source from which the content page was obtained; 

determining whether the analyzed metadata associated with the accessed content page includes a pointer to the source from which a feed including the item was obtained; 

responsive to determining that the accessed content page includes a pointer to the source from which the feed including the item was obtained, recording a description of content from the item for use as an authorized syndicated description of the item; and 

responsive to determining that the analyzed metadata associated with the accessed content page does not include the pointer to the source feed from which a feed including the item was obtained, checking a root of the domain for the content page for the pointer to the source feed from which the feed including the item was obtained; and 

generating a page including a selected item from the obtained items, the page including a pointer to the feed from which the selected item was obtained responsive to the description of content from the selected item being recorded as an authorized syndicated description of the selected item. 




1 則留言:

  1. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.
