2015年4月1日 星期三




MPEP 821中提到,對於專利局提出的限制選擇要求提出請願表示反對意見時(election with traverse),審查委員應清楚提出OA表示為何有部分請求項無法納入審查範圍。

MPEP § 821.01(after election with traverse)
當專利申請人對於審查委員提出的限制選擇要求提出反對意見時,審查委員應考量請願(petition)理由,如果經過考量後:(1)仍認定限制選擇要求為適當,會於發出Final Office Action,表示並未接受申請人反對意見,並提出為何不接受申請人意見的理由("The requirement is still deemed proper and is therefore made FINAL");(2)如果同意部分或全部限制選擇要求為不當,應於下次OA表示撤銷部分或全部的限制選擇要求,並表示請求項可合併審理。

如果申請人提出請願,表示反對審查委員提出限制選擇後,審查委員仍堅持原本限制選擇要求,並發出Final Office Action,申請人回應此Final OA時,應刪除未被選擇的請求項。(這些部分仍可提出另一分割案)。一旦專利獲准,這些未被選擇的請求項無法「併入/重返(rejoinder)」,申請人應提出刪除,或是審查委員會自己刪除。


MPEP § 821.02(after election without traverse)
如果申請人並未對限制選擇要求提出反對意見,接下來的OA將針對選擇的部分提出審查意見,如果專利範圍之間的共同技術特徵或是連結請求項(generic or linking claim)不能專利,未選擇的請求項範圍應於專利獲准時被刪除,另可提分割案;反之,可以併入可核准的共同上位請求項。

MPEP § 821.03(claims for different invention added after an office action)

MPEP § 821.04(rejoinder)


如果申請人被要求在產品(product)與方法(process)之間選擇(restriction requirement),當選擇產品為可獲准專利時,方法專利可經重返程序獲准,除非不符專利法112的撰寫規定。

37 CFR 1.143 Reconsideration of requirement
If the applicant disagrees with the requirement for restriction, he may request reconsideration and withdrawal or modification of the requirement, giving the reasons therefor. (See § 1.111). In requesting reconsideration the applicant must indicate a provisional election of one invention for prosecution, which invention shall be the one elected in the event the requirement becomes final. The requirement for restriction will be reconsidered on such a request. If the requirement is repeated and made final, the examiner will at the same time act on the claims to the invention elected.

此段規定,當申請人接獲限制選擇要求時,即便不同意審查委員發出的限制選擇,但仍應提出暫時性選擇(provisional election)。

37 CFR 1.144 Petition from requirement for restriction
After a final requirement for restriction, the applicant, in addition to making any reply due on the remainder of the action, may petition the Director to review the requirement. Petition may be deferred until after final action on or allowance of claims to the invention elected, but must be filed not later than appeal. A petition will not be considered if reconsideration of the requirement was not requested (see § 1.181).

[MPEP 821原文]
MPEP 821 Treatment of Claims Held To Be Drawn to Nonelected Inventions

Claims held to be drawn to nonelected inventions, including claims drawn to nonelected species or inventions that may be eligible for rejoinder, are treated as indicated in MPEP § 821.01 through § 821.04.

The propriety of a requirement to restrict, if traversed, is reviewable by petition under 37 CFR 1.144 . In re Hengehold, 440 F.2d 1395, 169 USPQ 473 (CCPA 1971).

All claims that the examiner holds as not being directed to the elected subject matter are withdrawn from further consideration by the examiner in accordance with 37 CFR 1.142(b). See MPEP § 821.01 through § 821.04. The examiner should clearly set forth in the Office action the reasons why the claims withdrawn from consideration are not readable on the elected invention. Applicant may traverse the requirement pursuant to 37 CFR 1.143. If a final requirement for restriction is made by the examiner, applicant may file a petition under 37 CFR 1.144 for review of the restriction requirement.


