2015年5月7日 星期四



vivian 提到...
您好,我想請問一下,若歐盟案發下partial SR,那可提分案的期限是否將以SR發下的24個月內?感謝~

在那個時候確實是規定在發出母案第一次OA(first communication)後24個月內應提出分割案,但其中第一次OA並不包括檢索報告(SR),可是包括不符單一性規定的OA,一些"舊法"參考可見:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/08/blog-post_28.html(歐洲分割案的期限筆記)。



Rules 36, 38, and 135 EPC and Article 2(1) 

Rule 36
European divisional applications
(1)The applicant may file a divisional application relating to any pending earlier European patent application. 
(2)A divisional application shall be filed in the language of the proceedings for the earlier application. If the latter was not in an official language of the European Patent Office, the divisional application may be filed in the language of the earlier application; a translation into the language of the proceedings for the earlier application shall then be filed within two months of the filing of the divisional application. The divisional application shall be filed with the European Patent Office in Munich, The Hague or Berlin. 
(3)The filing fee and search fee shall be paid within one month of filing the divisional application. If the filing fee or search fee is not paid in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn. 
(4)The designation fee shall be paid within six months of the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report drawn up in respect of the divisional application. Rule 39, paragraphs 2 and 3, shall apply.

相對於美國專利制度提供的先申請案佈局與後續案的彈性(如Provisional Application, DIV, CIP, CA, REISSUE...),其他國家就比較需要借助如國內優先權案、分割案等方式進行後續佈局,所以「分割案」很重要!

  1. 如果是PCT案進入歐洲(Euro-PCT)的申請案若歐洲申請日在2010/4/1~2014/3/31之間,仍可適用新規定
  2. 只要先前申請案(母案或第一代分割案...)仍處於懸宕(pending)狀態,一直都可以提出分割案
  3. 延續性的多件分割案額外費用(additional fee,算是懲罰性的費用)有差異(除了申請、檢索、實際審查費外的額外費用,另外還可能會有超頁費、超項費等等):
    第二代分割案:EUR 210
    第三代分割案:EUR 420
    第四代分割案:EUR 630
    第五代(含)之後的分割案:EUR 840
  4. 幾代分割案的關聯可參考下圖,母案為EP1,第一代分割案就是指EP1尚未消滅前所衍生的分割案,如EP2, EP3,這兩件不會有以上「新增費用」;但是一旦母案EP1消滅,之後還想要提出分割案,就僅能延續自如EP3等第一代分割案的先前申請案,如第二代分割案EP4、第三代分割案EP5則是延續自EP4:
  5. 新增的「額外費用」應於分割案提出日後1個月內繳付,如未於期限內繳付,分割案將被撤銷
  6. 以上都是解除24個月期限所可能產生的程序



