2015年5月22日 星期五



第一波Apple v. Samsung前情提要:
  • 溯及美國北卡地方法院對於蘋果公司對三星侵權訴訟的最終判決。
  • 蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)於2011年對三星(Samsung)提出侵權告訴。
  • 地方法院陪審團於2012年作出侵權成立的決定,並作出10億美金賠償金額。(Apple在這一階段"設計相關"的訴訟勝了Samsung,http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/08/applesamsung.html
  • 經三星提出審判後請願(post-trial motion),地院分別在兩次部分再審判決中決定賠償金額$639,403,248與$290,456,793(合計9億3千萬美元,http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2013/11/blog-post_1221.html)。
  • 2014年作出終審。隨後三星上訴CAFC。
Trademark Registration No. 3,470,983(trade mark,983案)
還有基於iPhone系列形成的整體設計(unregistered trade dress)


關於「Trade Dresses」,"trade dress"是一個商品或服務元素的包裝或呈現的整體表現("“trade dress is the totality of elements in which a product or service is packaged or presented"),這個效果與商標接近,就是透過產品包裝或呈現能夠識別出產品的源頭,3C產品一般都有強烈的識別性,如蘋果i系列、三星S系列、hTC one系列...。這些元素都會增加產品銷售與競爭力。

因此,判斷侵犯"Trade Dress"的原則就看被告侵權的產品是否讓人有誤會或刻意誤導為提告方產品的疑慮,而可能稀釋了原本產品的識別性

"...it is necessary for us to determine first whether Apple’s asserted trade dresses, claiming elements from its iPhone product, are nonfunctional and therefore protectable." updated on May 23, 2015

但是一個產品的特徵通常就是強調其功能性,它的實用,或是用途,也會影響製作費用與數量。不過對於外觀商標,法院的意見曾有不少討論,本次CAFC就採用最高法院與第九巡迴法院(ninth Circuit)的意見,認為此例iPhone產品配置外觀商標具有功能性因此不具保護力。updated on May 23, 2015
"“Courts have noted that it is, and should be, more difficult to claim product configuration trade dress than other forms of trade dress.”  Id. at 1012-13 (discussing cases).  Accordingly, the Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit have repeatedly found product configuration trade dresses functional and therefore non-protectable."

根據以上法院意見,其中強調"Trade Dress"的"非功能性",就是判斷是否侵權時並不論產品的功能性,特別是非註冊型的外觀商標,Apple宣稱這是自iPhone 3G/3GS的特徵:具有四個平滑圓角的方形產品、平面乾淨的表面、顯示器就在這個表面的下方,顯示器上下具有黑框,有較窄的兩側,當產品啟動,會顯示一排小點,有陣列型式的圖案(icon),也就有四個圓角,顯示下方有固定不動可擺上icon的區域。

CAFC判斷這個非註冊型外觀商標時,採用Disc Golf factors檢測其中是否含有功能性特徵:(1)其中是否有實用的優點、是否有替代設計的可能、是否有廣告吹捧的實用優點、以及設計是否為相對簡單或便宜製造的設計?
(1) whether the design yields a utilitarian advantage,
(2) whether alternative designs are available,
(3) whether advertising touts the utilitarian advantages of the design, and
(4) whether the particular design results from a comparatively simple or inexpensive method of manufacture.”

結果,CAFC認為經此檢驗,蘋果沒有足夠證明此非註冊型外觀商標的非功能性特徵;甚至沒有反駁其(iphone)改良實用的功能性目的,即便一直強調iphone的美"。updated on May 23, 2015
"Nevertheless, we explore Apple’s contentions on each of the Disc Golf factors and conclude that there was insufficient evidence to support a jury finding in favor of nonfunctionality on any factor."

"In sum, Apple has failed to show that there was substantial evidence in the record to support a jury finding in favor of non-functionality for the unregistered trade dress on any of the Disc Golf factors.  Apple fails to rebut the evidence that the elements in the unregistered trade dress serve the functional purpose of improving usability.  Rather, Apple focuses on the “beauty” of its design, even though Apple pursued both “beauty” and functionality in the design of the iPhone.  We therefore reverse the district court’s denial of Samsung’s motion for judgment as a matter of law that the unregistered trade dress is functional and therefore not protectable."

Trademark Registration No. 3,470,983

相關描述中提及不少有關iphone的型態(configuration),這裡用黑體字標註:"The mark consists of the configuration of a rectangular handheld mobile digital electronic device with rounded silver edges, a black face, and an array of 16 square icons with rounded edges. The top 12 icons appear on a black background, and the bottom 4 appear on a silver background. The first icon depicts the letters "SMS" in green inside a white speech bubble on a green background; the second icon is white with a thin red stripe at the top; the third icon depicts a sunflower with yellow petals, a brown center, and a green stem in front of a blue sky; the fourth icon depicts a camera lens with a black barrel and blue glass on a silver background; the fifth icon depicts a tan television console with brown knobs and a gray-green screen; the sixth icon depicts a white graph line on a blue background; the seventh icon depicts a map with yellow and orange roads, a pin with a red head, and a red-and- blue road sign with the numeral "280" in white..."

因為983案為聯邦註冊的商標,因此應具有商標必要的非功能性特徵,這回經兩照提出論點後,法院提出多件被確認即便是個註冊外觀商標也可能為功能性特徵,以此反駁蘋果對於其外觀商標的非功能特徵updated on May 23, 2015,於是CAFC法官認為Apple並未證明983案如地方法院陪審團決定的非功能性特徵,使得983案不具商標保護力

關於設計的侵權判斷,不同於外觀商標強調「非功能性特徵」,設計專利則是具備功能與非功能性的元素,在設計專利的侵權判斷中,在這裡提到採用三個角度的判斷,包括功能性(functionality)、實際欺騙(actual deception)與先前技術的比對(comparison to prior art)

設計專利具有功能性與非功能性的元素,對於設計專利的比對,是以整體外觀,或是整體的裝飾外觀(ornamental appearance),也就是設計專利侵權比對時,是針對整個設計外觀比對,還是僅比對其中裝飾性而有視覺效果的特徵。在地方法院陪審團的觀念中,是以整體判斷(as a whole),這也涉及「專利範圍解釋」的爭議,CAFC同意地院陪審團認定設計專利應該"整體"觀之,因為設計本身就是一種裝飾性設計(the ornamental design),就是專利呈現出的圖面

實際欺騙(actual deception)
這是討論是否在消費者購買兩個產品(設計、被告產品,顯然這裡是指iPhone與Galaxy)時會產生混淆。雖三星認為侵權判斷應討論到是否有實際欺騙的行為,但是CAFC法官同意地院陪審團認為不用考慮actual deception,僅就圖面判斷是否會造成混淆即可

先前技術的比對(comparison to prior art)

這部分蘋果對三星主張163案claim 50,以及915案claim 8,CAFC法官認為這兩項權利有效,且侵權成立
claim 50 of 163'
instructions for enlarging and translating the structured electronic document so that the first box is substantially centered on the touch screen display;
instruction for, while the first box is enlarged, a second gesture is detected on a second box other than the first box; and
instructions for, in response to detecting the second gesture, the structured electronic document is translated so that the second box is substantially centered on the touch screen display.


Trade Dress(外觀商標)http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/08/trade-dress.html
第一波Apple v. Samsung訴訟:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/08/applesamsung.html
第二波Apple v. Samsung訴訟:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/05/apple2212.html
Steve Jobs稱為的聖戰其實目前結果不如理想:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/04/steve-jobs.html

部分同意的判決為:三星侵犯蘋果一件設計三件設計updated on Aug. 6, 2015、兩件發明專利(163案、915案)。
部分否決的判決為:三星產品並非沒有"稀釋"蘋果trade dress(外觀商標),而是蘋果trade dresss不具保護力。updated on May 23, 2015
因為三星未侵犯trade dress,因此撤回地院重新作出賠償的決定。

(updated on Aug. 6, 2015,不確定當時我為何判斷僅一件設計侵權成立,但經當年2012年8月的判決來看,三件設計'677, '087, '305都是侵權成立,日後才是賠償金額的爭議,感謝網友kewinle指教

(連結更新updated on Aug. 5, 2015http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions-orders/14-1335.Opinion.5-14-2015.1.PDF


1 則留言:

  1. 請問,原本的判決有2件設計專利侵權(USD618677,USD604305),為何最後只有1件設計專利在CAFC中被判侵權?又,是哪一件被判侵權?
