2015年6月26日 星期五

法院教我們如何解釋專利範圍(E-WATCH INC. v. APPLE, INC.案例討論)

本篇討論訴訟中的CLAIM CONSTRUCTION,不涉及訴訟結果。

這份文件源自「E-WATCH INC. v. APPLE, INC.」的侵權訴訟,在訴訟審理之前,先進行申請專利範圍解釋(claim construction),全文69頁,對權利範圍中的用語逐一進行解釋。

系爭專利:US7,365,871, US7,643,168
目前專利權人(侵權原告):E-WATCH, INC.
侵權被告:Apple, Inc.


系爭專利(US7,365,871)揭露一種透過數位傳輸系統擷取、轉換與傳輸數位影像的技術,從此案的法律資訊看到一些有趣的事情,hTC, Apple, LG, Samsung都對此案提出IPR(inter partes review),但都尚未有任何決定,顯然專利權人應該都對各大手機廠商提出專利訴訟,google了一下,有些資訊可見:http://iknow.stpi.narl.org.tw/Post/Read.aspx?PostID=9138日後會找一兩件來理解


Claim 1直指一個手機,實現影像處理系統,可以執行語音訊號傳輸、照片擷取與傳輸,雖然範圍看來不廣,包含了不少很瑣碎的元件,比如殼體、顯示器、處理器、記憶體、使用者介面、電話系統,甚至是鍵盤...,卻是包含了常見手機的基本功能,難怪各手機廠商會跳腳。


1. A handheld self-contained cellular telephone and integrated image processing system for both sending and receiving telephonic audio signals and for capturing a visual image and transmitting it to a compatible remote receiving station of a wireless telephone network, the system comprising:
a manually portable housing;
an integral image capture device comprising an electronic camera contained within the portable housing;
a display for displaying an image framed by the camera, the display being supported by the housing, the display and the electronic camera being commonly movable in the housing when the housing is moved by hand;
a processor in the housing for generating an image data signal representing the image framed by the camera;
a memory associated with the processor for receiving and storing the digitized framed image, accessible for selectively displaying in the display window and accessible for selectively transmitting over the wireless telephone network the digitized framed image;
a user interface for enabling a user to select the image data signal for viewing and transmission;
a telephonic system in the housing for sending and receiving digitized audio signals and for sending the image data signal;
alphanumeric input keys in the housing for permitting manually input digitized alphanumeric signals to be input to the processor, the telephonic system further used for sending the digitized alphanumeric signals;
a wireless communications device adapted for transmitting any of the digitized signals to the compatible remote receiving station; and
a power supply for powering the system.

系爭專利(US7,643,168)是上述871案的延續案(CA),內容一致,也是遭到hTC, Apple, LG與Samsung提出IPR的挑戰,雖揭露之初不見得是針對現在的手機,卻因為智慧型手機包山包海的功能而被讀入(read on),請求項範圍也是頗為細節,卻多半也都是一般手機的必要技術。
1. Apparatus comprising:
a portable housing, the portable housing being wireless;
an image collection device supported by the portable housing, the image collection device being operable to provide visual image data of a field of view;
a display supported by the portable housing, the display being operable to display for viewing by a user a perceptible visual image, the perceptible visual image being generated from the visual image data;
memory supported by the portable housing, the memory being suitable to receive visual image data in digital format, the memory being suitable to retain the visual image data in digital format,
an input device supported by the portable housing, the input device being operable by the user;
operation of the input device by the user enabling the memory to retain the visual image data in digital format, the memory being suitable to provide retained visual image data in digital format;
media supported by the portable housing, the media being suitable to embody at least one compression algorithm;
at least one processing platform supported by the portable housing, the at least one processing platform being operable to execute the at least one compression algorithm, the at least one processing platform being provided the retained visual image data in digital format, execution of the at least one compression algorithm providing compressed visual image data; and
a mobile phone supported by the portable housing, the mobile phone being operable to send to a remote recipient a wireless transmission, the wireless transmission conveying the compressed digital image data; and
movement by the user of the portable housing commonly moving the image collection device,
movement by the user of the portable housing commonly moving the display.
E-WATCH, INC. v. APPLE, INC.的訴訟審理中,不過這裡討論地方法院在解釋專利範圍時提出的備忘錄,解釋專利範圍也是審理的先前步驟,尤其是以上描述的系爭專利,因為世代轉換,是否能夠直接read on到這幾年突飛猛進的智慧行動裝置的技術?都會在解釋專利範圍時一窺究竟。


解釋專利範圍的原則是:先查看內部證據(intrinsic evidence),包括說明書內容、審查歷史;法院也參考相關領域技術人員在發明當下的技術水平來理解專利範圍;而請求項範圍中的語言也提供判斷專利範圍的依據;而專利獨立項與附屬項的差異也表示獨立項並未包括附屬項的範圍。雖然外部證據(extrinsic evidence)也有用,如字典、專家證詞(expert testimony),但是不比內部證據重要,特別是每個專利權人/發明人都可自己定義請求項用語。

PTAB對首件IPR的最終決定(其中討論「請求項差異化原則(Doctrine of Claim Differentiation)」頗有參考價值):http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/02/ptabiprabout-claims.html





*(訴訟雙方對"by the user"的描述有爭議,其中"由使用者"按鍵輸入的動作就會影響是否侵權的判斷:"an input device supported by the portable housing, the input device being operable by the user;",至少法院認為這個放在裝置(apparatus)的動作(method)已經造成不明確,而且還是人為動作!)


*(法院也會給予自己的解釋,對於"the portable housing being wireless",法院給予比較完整的解釋,把這句過於精簡的用語解釋為"the portable housing contains a component that provides wireless transmission")

*(法院認為"adapted for transmitting"沒有不明確,理由是從說明書相關的描述來看,這句話並沒有造成混淆)

如此,顯然不利於專利權人。不過,法院也非如此八股,在系爭專利中所界定的"processor"為連接照相機而處理數位影像的處理器,並非涉及特定用途,且並未採用"means",也觸發可反駁推定(rebuttable presumption),法院就看這個推定是否強烈("strong"),如此就要求被告有舉證義務,證明是否"processor"並未引用足夠明確的結構特徵,或是功能手段。經判斷,認為被告並未成功舉證,因此判斷"processor"明確,且以一般意義來解釋。



*(法院自為解釋,認為"manually portable housing", "portable housing"應解釋為"housing capable of being held by hand",以及認為"handheld"應解釋為"capable of being held by hand"。認為原告自己將這些用語模糊了!)

這裡討論到"supported, supporting, supports"的解釋,最後給予一般意義。

*(雖然這些用語有時我也會有點困擾,比如image signals就是image data,或是要寫成image data signals,但是就法院的角度,只要可以一般方式理解,就是明確的用語)


此點列舉一個技術的兩種描述"image formed by the camera"與"generating a digitized framed image",被告解釋為,一是由照相機所拍攝的影像,另一為由照相機接收訊號而數位化的影像。當然,這些都是照相機(與相關軟硬體)的工作,這就看用在哪裡?不能因為照相機在不同階段的動作就會產生不同的侵權判斷。


這裡討論到"電話系統telephone network",這對這件訴訟很重要,因為是否電話就如被告所指應該為PSTN的一般電話網路,或是可以涵蓋到現在智慧型手機所處的行動通訊網路。

法院的分析如下,說明書提到的"telephone network",不同意被告所稱為PSTN,法院認為說明書與答辯歷史等內部證據並未限制telephone network為PSTN(public circuit switched telephone network),也就是認為被告不當限制此用語的廣度。一旦法院認為此用語沒有模糊,顯然原告可以較寬的方式解釋telephone network。

法院認為,"transmission protocol"應解釋為"set of conventions or rules governing transmission"。




